[360] Mass Effect

There are some new videos (TV ad and two combat ):

It's interesting that they demonstrate combat at exactly same place every time.

There's been a few other combat missions shown in various videos (4 that I can recall offhand), how much of the game are they supposed to release to video?

As for graphics I don't doubt it will look better than crysis does on a lower end PC (mine) at a playable framerate, but I'm not sure that's much of an endorsement.
There's been a few other combat missions shown in various videos (4 that I can recall offhand), how much of the game are they supposed to release to video?
I'm not sure whether you are defending something or not but mine was an observation.
And since 3 minute combat video isn't exactly a spoiler in a 50+ hour game, I would think the reason is simply to keep the focus on the differences between classes.
OXM US reviewer called this the best game ever made.

I am not sure if this is allowed, but here are the plus / minuses from the review:

+ Best story ever told in a videogame, period.
+ Innovative dialouge and gorges graphics combine to mesmerizing effect.
+ Gripping action / RPG gameplay.
? Will your character really carry over to the next game?

The Verdict: 10/10

After quickly scaning through some of the review, I noticed it made mention to one of the sidequests available in the game. If you keep your ears open and talk to lots of the characters, you will eventenually be able to help the
Earth military fight a rouge A.I. on the moon. In the picture beside the caption, it shows Shepard and crew his standing on the surface with the Mako (the six wheeled jeep thing) looking out into space at Earth.

EDIT: Just grabbed a couple of shots from the trailer.

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Best game ever? Hyperbole strikes again ;) Still, this game is definitely sounding better and better.

Am I right in saying this will only be the second "great"-looking UE3 game released? Kind of surprising after the UE3-lovefest of 2006 and early 2007. All other UE3 games have tended to look fairly average.
Best game ever? Hyperbole strikes again ;)
I'm concerned all this hype will lead me to backlash against the game. I'm one of those people that often cringes from anything that has is too popular and has loads of slobbering fanboys. Maybe I'm better off avoiding all internet chit-chat and gaming 'journalism' about the game.
I'm concerned all this hype will lead me to backlash against the game. I'm one of those people that often cringes from anything that is too popular. Maybe I'm better off avoiding all internet chit-chat and gaming 'journalism' about the game.

What backlash? Hordes of angry literalist's grabbing pitchforks and charging the offices of some websites?
What backlash? Hordes of angry literalist's grabbing pitchforks and charging the offices of some websites?

Well we had a multi-page thread on B3D about how Bioshock was overrated. Considering in many people's mind this game was the best released on any platform in years (mine included funnily enough) I think there's a general snowball effect that's hard to resist when you read gaming previews over and over.

That said, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, of course - however it does really sadden me to think that people avoid gems like Bioshock (or VF5 or SMG or any other of countless games that get fantastic reviews) because they are seen as being overrated. It's like the only games that stand out for some people are ones that get the high-80's/low-90's, so they can be called "overlooked for their time".
I'm talking about my personal view on things. I just don't like mega-popularity.

What's the point of disliking it just because its popular? I mean if something isn't your cup of tea by all means dislike it all you want, but its not like its a bad pop song where its popularity will mean you will be forced to hear it on the radio all day. I don't see why someone else enjoying it should affect your enjoyment of it one way or another. /shrug
That's just the way I am, when a product is hyped too much it sometimes makes me feel a little disgusted about it. Like those people that prefer to see independent/foreign/smaller movies over the flashy big-budget Hollywood produced ones(and I'm the same way too ;)). Call us snobby or whatever but there is no shortage of people liking the mega-popular stuff.

It's not a universal feeling, not like I avoid games like Bioshock all the time, I played the demo and I saw what a great game it was(although still overhyped) and the collector's edition with that neat Big Daddy toy enticed me to buy it. Or I wait a couple years after the hype has died down to watch/play that big game/movie.
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I'm talking about my personal view on things. I just don't like mega-popularity.

I understand. Liking obscure entertainment is a way of looking deep without actually having to obtain any depth. Kinda like people who claim to like to jazz music. Anime fans are the worst at this mentality.
I understand. Liking obscure entertainment is a way of looking deep without actually having to obtain any depth. Kinda like people who claim to like to jazz music. Anime fans are the worst at this mentality.
That's not the only take on that mentality though. The other take is that people love something just because they are told to. eg. A movie or book is held up as fantastic, and the masses read it and say it's fantastic. If you then read it and find all sorts of faults and problems, the counter reaction is 'well it's okay, but it's hardly the best book ever, and people shouldn't be making such a fuss over it.'

Some people like things because in a shallow way they feel it makes them 'deep', like you say. Other people like things because everyone else does and they're just being swept along, and in contrast to these people, you have some who are inherently resistant to fashions and fads because they see it as the latest 'Emperor's New Clothes'. From that cynical perspective a popular thing is something to be mistrusted.
Some people like things because in a shallow way they feel it makes them 'deep', like you say. Other people like things because everyone else does and they're just being swept along, and in contrast to these people, you have some who are inherently resistant to fashions and fads because they see it as the latest 'Emperor's New Clothes'. From that cynical perspective a popular thing is something to be mistrusted.
How is that any different than those who dislike something just because it is popular. Seems like the same short of "sheep" to me.
How is that any different than those who dislike something just because it is popular. Seems like the same short of "sheep" to me.
Being cynical about the 'next best thing', because someone has found previous 'next best things' to not be all that is more caution than anything else IMO.

The hype surrounding the Halo 2 launch for example, would have one think it would be the best game ever - unfortunately I didn't find the game all that fun, and traded it in shortly after buying it.

The idea is more about attempting to judge the personal worth of a game on it's own merits, and not what it has been or is purported to be to other people.

Which is very different to the 'indie-poser' mentality of elitism.
Play time with moderate exploration = 17-18 hours

It is reasonable to think that to complete every aspect of the game one is looking at 25-30 hours.

Game is very addictive.