[360] Mass Effect

RobertR1 no lesbian action so far lol i did get into a kind of bar with very sexy alien girls shaking their things XD .

betan about the squad you only play with your main character (at least so far) you use the D-pad to issue commands regroup go there etc.
I dont have any complaints about the ai so far, though i haven't played all that much.

For the upgrades ou have alot of things for your weapons only then you have the following or at least i can only see the following ones

Pistols, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles (these are upgrades for your character to improve the way he/she uses them not for the actual weapons)

then you have combat armor, first aid, Assault training, Fitness, Solider, Charm, Intimidate, Spectre training.

Once again i can give you more detailed information if you request about those abilitys feel free to ask.

Just for the record i just gained control of this huge ship to travel across the galaxy i got lost inside trying to find the exit of it lol (its not that big im just not familiarized with it) but its still big.

Edit: I cant help my self i have top keep repeating that the characters on this game look so good so human (or so alien) really impressive models
You can also use the special abilities of your partners as well. This is done by hitting/holding one of the bumper buttons that brings up a screen showing all the special abilities of yours and your partners. This is extremely important later in the game for the harder fire-fights.
You can also use the special abilities of your partners as well. This is done by hitting/holding one of the bumper buttons that brings up a screen showing all the special abilities of yours and your partners. This is extremely important later in the game for the harder fire-fights.

Thanks for that info. I'm a huge fan of Rainbow Six: Vegas' squad control and this seems to build more even on top of that. Good times ahead!
They look a lot better than the horrible messes that came out of Oblivion's character creation system. Good thing, too, since you'll spend a lot of time looking at their ugly mug.

Great TV advert - nice to see adverts using real footage, seems to be something of a rarity!

Looking forward to this game, but I've been away from home for a few months and when I get back in a couple of weeks I have Halo 3, COD4, Bioshock, PGR4 and Orange Box to buy too.... think I may have to prioritise - the question is how....
Apparently the game has been shipped to EB Games in Australia, and will be on sale tomorrow! Amazing that we get something first! Aside from all the pre-release stuff of course.
I have been playing this game for 19 hours and 44 min, i dont know how far in the game i am right now but i can say the time i played untill now was worth the money all the way, no one that likes sifi rpg can go wrong with this game it is amazing in every way, im really liking the story so far but im not rushing to finish the game im exploring enjoying every step of it you guys should do the same when you get it.

If i had the patience to make a review for it i would give it more than a 9.5 thats for sure even though i didnt finish yet.
Thanks for the impressions, Hazuki. How is the shooting in the game?

I've never played an RPG, so I don't know if I would like that aspect too much. However, I love shooters so if the shooting is good I figure it would be a good game to expose myself to some RPG gameplay elements.
Thanks for the impressions, Hazuki. How is the shooting in the game?

I've never played an RPG, so I don't know if I would like that aspect too much. However, I love shooters so if the shooting is good I figure it would be a good game to expose myself to some RPG gameplay elements.

The shooting is good, but you will have to upgrade your characters skills in the game to have the best accuracy, for an example the sniper will shake alot at the beggining you will strugle to hit a target, but as you gain experience points and upgrade both your weapon and character sniper skills it will get better and better, that wont bother you on the other weapons though, at least not in the same way.

If you want to make the most of the game experience you will really need to get into the rpg elements.

Hope you enjoy the game if you get it, because even if the game play isnt perfect for you or you'll need some more time to adapt than usual, the story and everything else is really worth it.
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Hey guys just to say i finished the game after 32 amazing hours if would make a review i'd give it a 9.7 its so damn good :). Enjoyed it more than any other xbox 360 game, with the possible exception of halo 3 maybe just maybe.

I want more!
Hey guys just to say i finished the game after 32 amazing hours if would make a review i'd give it a 9.7 its so damn good :). Enjoyed it more than any other xbox 360 game, with the possible exception of halo 3 maybe just maybe.

I want more!

Great to hear.

I just finished the mass effect prequel novel (ain't half bad) so I'm looking forward to diving in the game.
IGN review 9.4

9.5 Presentation
A new high mark for storytelling in games. Gameplay can be confusing at first due to a lack of good tutorials.

9.0 Graphics
One of the most artistically and technically beautiful games of all time. Unfortunately, the engine can't keep up and slowdown is rampant.

10 Sound
An unprecedented amount of top-notch voice work.

9.0 Gameplay
The RPG elements are outstanding. Glitches, poor AI, and weak squad mechanics weigh the game down.

9.5 Lasting Appeal
Sure to be a classic RPG that is talked about (and played) for years.

9.4 Outstanding OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)
Eurogamer review:

http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=87875 8/10

Forced to stumble towards a conclusion, I'd say that despite the niggles, Mass Effect is most definitely a great game with an awful lot going for it - but one that doesn't quite deserve unquestioning praise. For what it achieves in delivering a compelling narrative and wonderful atmosphere, BioWare deserves a huge amount of credit, as there are few games that come anywhere near it in this regard. The dialogue system, and the impact it has on individual missions and the game as a whole is exceptional, adding greatly to the potential replay value. Where it doesn't quite hit the mark for me is in the action stakes. Although it underpins the game with all sorts of excellent ideas that ought to make it a deeper, more intelligent and immersive experience, the simple truth is that the minute-to-minute combat simply isn't as intense and involving as you'd expect from a game in 2007. Throw in some grumbles about the somewhat unoptimised state of the frame-rate, texture pop-in and v-syncing terrors, and it's a game that just falls short of our expectations. An eight, then, but a good one...