Teasy said:
The 80+ million PS2 owners out there don't contain loads of rabid Sony fans? Kolgar Nintendo can't win with you. You dismiss DS by saying its just a stopgap and then when I point out its outselling PSP you say its just because of rabid fans and that DS isn't PSP's competition.
Teasy, if there's a more devout fan than a loyal Nintendo gamer, I haven't seen it. The company's clearly done something right to create such fervent loyalty. Whatever it is, they ought to bottle it and sell it (just not to Sony or Microsoft

In any case, DS and PSP aren't actually going at each other head to head, are they? You can almost liken it to when PSX came out. Nintendo had delayed N64 and Super NES was still holding down the fort. Was PSX's primary competition the Super NES? No, it was the N64, just as soon as Nintendo got around to releasing it.
(Although that's not quite right either, because back then, as now, Sony was targeting an older audience than Nintendo. But performance wise, PlayStation and N64 were meant to be comparable.)
Anyway, Super NES had to fend for itself while PSX wowed gamers with its 3D graphics. Maybe Nintendo learned a lesson from that experience. Hence, the DS. It fills the gap and steals some of the thunder from PSP while Nintendo beavers away on its next Gameboy.
Meanwhile, PSP and NDS are at very different price points and aimed at different audiences. Eventually, Sony hopes the "trickle-down" effect will take place and PSP, like PSX, will become cheaper and gain a foothold among a wider audience. Including those people who currently buy Nintendo handhelds.
Why can't you just accept that DS is selling so well because its a good product that provides something different?
Because I'm not sure it's selling for those reasons. How many games actually use the DS's unique features to deliver gaming experiences heretofore unseen in gaming? Not very many, is my understanding. From what I gather, the DS-specific software has been slow in coming, though that situation seems to be improving now.
I think DS's sales have just as much to do with Nintendo's reputation for "quality" and promises of "innovation" as the actual touch screens, stylus, and microphone, but that's just my opinion.
Some people talk about PC-Engine being such a PSP hater but your just as negative towards DS IMO.
I'll readily admit it; I don't like the DS. It just doesn't appeal to me as a consumer. I see no pressing need for two screens in a game console. I can't see myself poking at a game machine with a pen or talking to it via a microphone. And the games skew young as always. Perhaps if Nintendo offered more content I liked, I'd be more open to DS's new features.
But the bottom line is I think the DS's main purpose from the beginning was to retard Sony's growth in the handheld market - and thereby protect Nintendo's own marketshare. Call me cynical. Lord knows I am.
Ok first off the MegaDrive was a 16 bit console Kolgar not the N64, also DS is at least N64 quality AFAICS.
Who ever said anything about the MegaDrive? I didn't. And anyway, I know it was 16-bit, just as I know that N64 was 64-bit.
I'll have to take your word on it that DS is "at least" N64 quality. From the videos I've seen, DS appears to have trouble rendering 3D as smoothly as N64.
As I said before - don't get too worked up by this. It's just my opinion; you can believe what you want. And my apologies if any of this has gotten convoluted. I'm trying to write two posts for two different boards at the same time right now and I'm tired from lawnwork to boot.