I sometimes forget when happens when ( it goes so fast when you are my age ) so apologies if some of these are 2004 !
1). Video Card of the Year: Either X800XL or the Sapphire X800GTO2
2). Disappointment of the Year: Ati X1600. I can understand Ati having problems with a new chipset but at least when it does arrive it will be fast ! The X1600 is late AND slow.
3). Innovation of the Year: Cards available on the same day as being announced
4). Most promising trend of the year: Doubling. Doubling cpu's, doubling gpu's, doubling Pcie bandwidth, doubling doubles soon ??
5). Most discouraging trend of the year: Doubling of required ££
6). Dan Rather "Courage" Award: Kyle [H]ardass Bennett for coming on B3d when he was wrong and still managing to appear like Goliath as the puny spears of truth bounced off his [H]ardass.... I didn't know whether to cheer or boo him.
7). Person in the Industry/Community I most wanted to stick a sock in their mouth: Nobody, I quite like the "characters". You wouldn't want to be bored to death like they are in the hard drive forums woulf you ?
9). Interview of the Year: Sampsa's interview with Dave Orton
10). Article of the Year: Very easy to select a B3D article on technical merit however I have to say that Xbit labs and Toms hardware testing of LCD panels have really intrigued me, due to my little knowledge on the subject.
11). Speciality niche reporting: I quite like Josh's stuff at Penstar, maybe I should give Josh question #6 as well for writing a piece, mentioning it here on B3D and then having to listen to Dave saying it was complete bollox
Brave man, keep it up !
12). Other articles I just felt like giving some love to: MikesHardware web site, good historical reference and good future rumours. Doesn't seem to be massively financed but always fairly up to date.