Xbox western support is un-matchable!

marconelly! said:
Thanks to Halo.
Actually, Halo sales are like small potatoes compared to Goldeneye 007 on N64 which sold 6 million something copies if I'm not mistraken.

the worlwide sales of Mario 64 were above 10M, and GE was a bit below 9M, FFVII around 9.5M (platinium included)
Don't try and compare the sales of halo to games on teh N64 that basically sold 10 million over the course of 5 years. Not exactly a fair comparrison.
Chap, your posts would be more valuable if you dropped the fanboi slant and actually knew something about market trends.

Microsoft has gained a foothold with Xbox this generation. That's great. But Sony's put a cap in everyone's ass this round, and Microsoft won't topple them next time without a helluva lot of work.

:rolleyes: Perhaps MS should rather buy a cloning compagny ,or invest $$$ in supporting raelians to expand their userbase ?
Western games are gaining popularity. Japanese games are losing popularity. The charts tell the whole story.

Not really. "Western games" (such a silly term anyways) as mentioned before have already long been popular. The only thing you're doing is making a big deal over a development cycles...

More like SONY could NOT push online gaming further becasue PS2 is missing a HD and Ethernet Adaptor(addons suck!).

No, more like online gaming for consoles represents a very small segment of the market period. It's not like Live! sold all that great either, and according to you 'add-ons' suck it and Live! is an add-on it doesn't look like it's going to get much better! :p

Don't try and compare the sales of halo to games on teh N64 that basically sold 10 million over the course of 5 years. Not exactly a fair comparrison.

I don't think he was going for straight numbers... Just emphasizing that there were big selling FPS games on consoles before Halo. To that one could also add the Medal of Honor series to the list popular, high-selling console FPS (enough to make PC gamers jealous for several years until the series made it to the PC).[/quote]