2003: The year of the Xbox

chap said:
Well, on average we know that PC games have deep gameplay mechanics than console games. Console games, to their credits have better plot structure and presentation.

I feel the opposite. I was a PC gamer before.

IMHO, PC games might not be as popular with causals, as console games is because of the environment they are played, and not because of the game itself.
Hunch up close face first into tiny monitors, keyboard and mouse and not to forget the tons of different hardware configuration.

I think they are as much popular, at least in Europe. The only difference, people do not pay for their PC games.

Now that we have the great Xbox, we can see more PC games being play at a comfy environment for everyone. ;) The greatness of PC gameplay will finally be upon console gamers. :oops:

Maybe PC designers will learn to do a game then ;)
Maybe PC designers will learn to do a game then
They already have! :D
Just look at the US sales charts of late. Splinter Cell, Metriod Prime, Halo, GTA3 all could have been ported to the PC without a hitch with the gamers. Ok, so i might have pulled out that prediction out of my ass, but those games are representative of good PC games. Great gameplay, very average story presentation.

As a comparison, Silent Hill 2 PC is out but i have been hearing mixed views about the game. Most being negative. :(
cybamerc said:

> In EGMs review of PSO for GC Shane mentions that it could be even
> better on Xbox with the headset

Ah yes... play games on your GBA or listen to a bunch of geeks talking trash. What to choose, what to choose.

> for Live play, plus I don't think you have to pay a monthly fee on Xbox.

You have to pay for a Hunter License. Of course they have to release the game first.

I'd consider talking to a bunch of geeks more valuable than any mini game that you have to own a GBA to play. For GC PSO you have to buy the online adaptor, pay a monthly fee, and have to buy a GBA to get the minigames; that doesn't sound better to me.

From what I've read you don't have to pay any fee at all for PSO on Xbox in NA, the Japanese will have to but the game is being given to them with the Live Kit. The Xbox version will also probably have d/l content, something no other version can do.
Oh so your Xbox live kit was free then? As is your yearly XBL fee? And the same for your monthly broadband fee? GCN has PSO NOW. And you pay only Sega's $9.00 monthly charge.

Oh and the GCN has downloadable content. There's new pics of the Christmas Lobby on the sites right now. Sega just released them. I like that kind of stuff personally. I played GCN PS0 at a friends house. I was surprised by the game. I'll be getting it soon.
Out of the list I am looking forward to these:

Starwars: KOTOR
Dino Crisis 3
Full Throttle 2
Halo 2 Live

The rest aren't that interesting.
Dural said:
From what I've read you don't have to pay any fee at all for PSO on Xbox in NA, the Japanese will have to but the game is being given to them with the Live Kit. The Xbox version will also probably have d/l content, something no other version can do.

where did you read that ? i read something different: monthly fees for xbox owners, like gc and DC ones..
For once chap starts a half - reasonable thread. Congradulations! :D

Anyway, if the line up does end up that good, Xbox is within consideration. If only it weren't so ugly. gah
Oh so your Xbox live kit was free then? As is your yearly XBL fee? And the same for your monthly broadband fee? GCN has PSO NOW. And you pay only Sega's $9.00 monthly charge.

To play PSO on GC:

PSO software
GC Broadband/dialup adapter (blech)
Internet access fee
Sega monthly fee

To play PSO on Xbox:

PSO software (included w/kit in Japan)
XBL starter kit (includes monthly fee for first year)
Internet access fee
Sega fee? N/A for Japan... dont know about North America yet

Looks pretty damn similar to me, with the nod going to Xbox for voice support et al.
You need to pay Sega too even if PSO is on Live.
PSO Live is better because it will have a stronger network and more players.

> For GC PSO you have to buy the online adaptor, pay a monthly fee,
> and have to buy a GBA to get the minigames; that doesn't sound better
> to me.

For Xbox PSO you have to buy an Xbox Live Starter Kit which is more expensive than a Cube modem or BBA.

> The Xbox version will also probably have d/l content, something no
> other version can do.

There is downloadable content with the Cube version as well... that is what the Hunter License is for as I understand it. Either way you won't get extra stuff for free. I know that's what M$ has tried to make it seem like but MMORPGs and downloadable content will cost you extra. Mathieu Ferland for example has already confirmed that extra Splinter Cell levels will come with a fee.

Xbox Live is a scam. Simple as that.
chap said:
Panzer Dragoon
Ninja Gaiden
Halo 2 Live

That would be my list, since this is an incredibly subjective thread, and IMHO, having Star Ocean 3 and FFX-2 on my PS2 this year kills every single game on your list.

My PS2 game list (off the top of my head):

Onimusha 3
Star Ocean 3
Chaos Legion
The Getaway
Soul Calibur 2 (the native plattform has the most chances of looking best)
Gran Turismo 4
Silent Hill 3
Tenchu 3
Mega Man X7
Amplitude (Frequency 2)
Guilty Gear XX

IMHO this list kicks the crap out of whatever Xbox has in 2003. Then you add GCN´s list and I have no reason whatsoever to get an Xbox.
On average, Western games are superior in gameplay to their B-grade movie-maker wannabes Japanese counterpart.

Well, according to some people splinter cell's cutscenes are B-grade...

Anyways all I know, is right now I seem to have difficulty recalling many western game with that special magic sauce we all know and love....

I'm talking the stuff of legends... the feeling games like Zelda:ALTTP, Mario 64, Super Metroid, Chrono Trigger, Z:OoT, etc... give u.

Most western stuff has great gameplay, sometimes good level design, etc. but it feels like something u'r next door neighbor made in his garage... I mean it feels dunno... lacks the magic.

Same stuff happens with animation.... I have lots of japanesse animes I like... not as many westerns...
I said gameplay, yes i did. I also said Japanese games have better presentation. It is just that great presentations can only go so far until gamers get bored of those flashy stuffs. :oops:
"Soul Calibur 2 (the native plattform has the most chances of looking best) "

PS2 has been the native platform for just about every Multiconsole release to date, and they never turn out the best.. get some texture cache

> PS2 has been the native platform for just about every Multiconsole
> release to date, and they never turn out the best

cybamerc said:

> PS2 has been the native platform for just about every Multiconsole
> release to date, and they never turn out the best


Timesplitters 2
Harry Potter
Blood Omen 2
read some head to heads, in every one, its always as follows
Xbox is most slightly the best looking, GC next, and PS2 with the
usual muddy textures, slowdowns and loose sensitivity on the analog control.
99.999% of the time

Spyhunter as I recall is supposed to look best on PS2. Anyway, it's a horrible example either way. What about games such as NFS: HP2 or MGS2:S?
cybamerc said:

Spyhunter as I recall is supposed to look best on PS2. Anyway, it's a horrible example either way. What about games such as NFS: HP2 or MGS2:S?

I give a list a mile long, and they are bad examples, and you pop up with two that are KNOWN for being shoddy ports, they were just lazy on the developers part, and thats only two, I can name at least 20 games.
I dont think how good the game is comes into play. as for SC2, the developers have already stated several times that the GC version will be sporting much better graphics than the PS2 version, along with more extra content...and we can already assume the Xbox version will look even better than that.

> I give a list a mile long, and they are bad examples, and you pop up
> with two that are KNOWN for being shoddy ports

You said that every multiplatform game looks the worst on PS2. That clearly isn't the case. EOD.

> the developers have already stated several times that the GC version
> will be sporting much better graphics than the PS2 version

They've stated multiple times that the 3 versions will look the same.

> and we can already assume the Xbox version will look even better than
> that.

We can?