fek said:
I'm sorry to disappoint you on this, but you should read "Dei Delitti e Delle Pene", an interesting old book about justice and democracy stating that privacy and fair trials are the main characteristics of every Democracy.
So what? Go read a new Book, David Brin's "The Transparent Society" Transparency is also the main characteristic of democracies, transparency in government, transparency of court records, and transparency in the economy (credit records, publically traded companies) Democracy and capitalism work best if people make informed decisions, and better decisions are made when there is more free-flow of information.
But that is irrelevent, since the word Democracy if you look it up in, or read about the original Greek conception, did not include a notion to protect privacy. And if you want to quibble, the other countries you refer to are technically not Democracies, but Republics.
Whereas freedom of speech is nearly absolute with few restrictions, the notion of "right to privacy" is rather conflicted and complex. Who has a right to privacy? Surely government doesn't. What about corporations? Businesses? Organizations large? Organizations small?
And what exactly do you have a right to keep private? Your income? Oops, there goes taxes and your welfare state. What you buy? Who you call?
Sorry, but I don't buy "privacy" as a fundamental right in league with the other inalienable rights we have. Privacy is really a restriction on what other people, who have interacted with you, have a right to do with such information. If you send me an email or pay me to make you a widget, I might consider that's MY information, not yours.
I would even point you to many European countries having laws which protect individual privacy.
Yes, and many European countries have other bad laws, and they are about to ratify a constitution riddled with contradictions too. So what?
And since you cite power invested in the people, I'd like to remember you that your current president wasn't elected democratically since the majority of americans didn't vote for it.
You should be a bit more informed before telling ignorant to anyone else, only cause he has a different opinion.
Yeah, a bit more informed, such as knowing the difference between a Majority and a Plurality, or Democracy and Republic.
Or the difference between Hyperbole and fact. Which, as you recall, this thread started because of your assertion of equivalence between the US and Nazis. That alone is enough to disqualify you from debate in most circles.
Godwin's Law: Plonk.