Its still imo to early to say a system is "weak" as you guys put it.
'Weak' is a relative measure. You need to establish 'weak' in comparison to what. Wii U's CPU is weak in terms of total processing power it can bring to heavy number crunching tasks and weak compared to alternative CPUs Nintendo could have used and weak compared to the CPUs the other consoles launched with and almost certainly weak compared to the CPUs next-gen will have.
Now let talk Hypothetically about Wii U future.
If you're going to hold out on hypothetical what-ifs instead of understanding the realities of the hard facts we have, I don't understand why you are on this board. Let's use an example with the tired but everso dependable car analogy.
Ford are rumoured to be producing a new 2 seater sports car. A racing driver says he thinks it's not very fast.
"Let's wait and see," says you.
Fair enough. One guys opinion is hardly conclusive. Then we learn it has a 1 litre engine.
"Let's wait and see," says you. "Small cars can still be fast if they are light."
True, it might still be well engineered. Then we learn it weighs 3 tonnes.
"Let's wait and see," says you.
"But look at the facts!" says us. "A rudimentary understanding of car design tells you this thing is going to be slow compared to the Lotus and Mazda it's up against."
"Until you've got in and driven it yourself, I'm not going to believe a word you say," says you. "what if it wins the Le Mans next year? Will you still say it's slow?"
Right up until we had the die size and clockspeed, there was a degree of uncertainty. Now we have a wealth of evidence all pointing to the same thing. "Some devs have said the CPU is pretty weak, and, oh look, it's 33mm² and clocked at 1.2GHz."
I understand your reasoning which in itself is sound, but you're being blinkered to the obvious truth here when looking at alternative ways to evaluate the machine. The very purpose of the hardware investigation threads is to find out what hardware is in the consoles, and it's been reasonably successful regards Wii U. If you don't comprehend what those discoveries mean (nothing to do with Wii U being good or bad or weak or strong, and only an observation of its component parts), and don't care to learn, then why are you on this board? It's what we do here!