Does anyone think YouTube is lame now?


Some YouTube stuff is fine, but I've been noticing a lot of arrogance from people on it. Calling people names because their opinions don't reflect their own, and whatnot. Using foul language to seem like a tough guy. Kissing up to corporates for to gain review copies of the latest games and early access perks others have to wait for. Whining about dumb, unimportant crap like some manchild. Like these e-begger types and snooty sounding cunts always complaining about not getting enough views like they used to, or whatever. Instead of being grateful for the traction they do receive from the sheepfold. You know?

And another thing I hate is the amount of ads. I cannot even watch a WWE video of a little 5 minute snippet of "Raw" or "NXT" or something, without getting bombarded with adverts every 20 seconds. You can only block these on the desktop version, and even then, they seem to know when an ad blocker is being used. But who really uses the desktop web version when they're on a phone? Seriously. All the web is today is ads.

It's the same with forums and X. People argue about the most pointless nonsense there is. They probably support Trump in the election. An idiot with criminal charges who is awaiting sentencing.

Since Twitter became X, some standard features aren't even on it. Like, the God damn edit or DM features. If you make a typo, you may as well compose the whole post again. Unless you're paying for the blue tick, you cannot even edit a post to correct a minor typo. A basic feature of any forum online.

I don't know. And then you get these idiots who nitpick. Like if two games have cut content, and they happen to be remakes of old games from like 20 years ago, they only mention the game they favour less. So I mean, what would you say that is? Being biased.

But yeah. Have you noticed that the web today is just boring? Save for porn. And even that's boring, since it ain't getting you laid. However, as I covered before, you're wasting your time being a simp for escorts and OnlyFans models, because they're delusional and nasty anyway. So you'd just be wasting money on a broad who honestly has no respect for you, let alone her own dignity. They're only out to take your cash.

But whatever. Be cool. And be yourself. Don't try to change just to please others. And never think that you're below anyone on the Internet or in real life due to cruel comments they say about you. Because the truth is, you're not a loser. You're special, even if you don't know it.
Youtube algorithm is getting worse, but I'm not sure it's the fault of the algorithm or the stupid human moderators they hired or outsourced. Or the fault of all of them.

Yes, I literally called their moderators stupid, because they are.

Way too many times they took down YouTube channel monetization with weird reasoning. To make things worse, they sometimes did that with 0 warning, and the appeal process didn't work.

Large channels got no issue with these as YouTube have special moderators and special list of special channels for special privileges and enforcement. Large channels also can make social media uproar to throw shit back at YouTube and they will fix things fast

Thus super annoying smaller channels with higher quality contents.

Full disclosure : my small channel also got demonetized with 0 warning, they refuse to elaborate what I did wrong, and their appeal requirement is impossible to fulfill due to the nature of my channel.

iirc they need me to show the creation process of ALL of my videos, in less than 5 or 10 minutes. Despite I have lots of videos, from different real world locations, and with very different way of productions.

This is for less than 200 dollars ads money I got per year.

When I submitted the appeal video with the best of my ability, showing the process of SOME of my videos. They rejected that appeal because it doesn't cover all videos.

The fuck youtube! Even if I time travel back and recorded myself. How the fuck am I able to cram all of those into less than 10mins video.

Oh and I need to time travel back to the time before YouTube were bought by Google. Because THATZ HOW LONG I'VE BEEN UPLOADING TO YOUTUBE. Fuck youtube

No wonder so many channels selling merchandise and asking Patreon
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I find plenty of content on Youtube that I like. I'm not really the target market for the scatter-gun algorithm.

I HATE shorts with a passion. Especially some whiny Cali-girl speaking at 2x the speed of a normal human being. If something is worth watching you CAN spend more than 30 seconds of your life watching it. We are not that far away from blipverts.

On the issue of blocking ads, hell yeah I do this. I use the desktop site on my iPad as well as Mac. I rarely if ever watch YT on my phone. On the tablet particularly I find the web version almost deliberately makes it difficult to navigate and queue up what I want to listen to overnight. As for scrubbing back and forth using the tiny little red dot, very frustrating. I haven't tried the app version but the cynic in me suspects all of this might be a whole lot easier. Almost like YT wants to force me to use the app rather than the desktop version! Why would that be, I wonder??!

As for the content creators I feel for them on the revenue front. For the channels I watch the most I kick in a few dollars a month through Patreon to compensate for my ad-blocking activities.
I think if you're going to perform a search, it should make sense to have the latest content viewable first. They seem to display the results based on how many hits the upload has received. So you have to go to the top and search by last week, the prior hour, month, or something. By default, it should be new to old. But that's just a nitpicky thing, I guess.

And you're right. Google is ridiculously slow at dealing with complaints. My inbox is full of proof about privacy and copyright violations on YouTube. I also had to report some idiot on an anxiety forum because some stalking moron on there has spammed all over it with multiple accounts, and posted my dox. When I email the host (you'll often find hosts are hidden by Cloudflare, of course), they always just say it's being looked into. They've been saying that the last 3 months. I get the same sort of response.

Typically, Cloudflare just forwards your grievance on to the host rather than giving up the name of the host for you to contact them yourself. That's kind of stupid. They're bound to know people are using their service to mask their abuse and so on, yet they're only thinking of the money.

I know the guy's real name, but the drongo pigs in Western Australia don't bother dealing with the jackass, because I live in Scotland. So if you call them from overseas, they just hang up or politely tell you they don't have the jurisdiction.

Bogans. I hate them all. But fortunately, not all Australians and New Zealanders are a complete fanny.