Oculus Meta Quest 3

it's shows a lot of potential, but lots of artifacts since it's missing a lot of informations from invisible angles. Looks like those imperfect holographic videos we've seen all these years in Sci-Fi movies. the fact that you can "touch" objects in the video with virtual hands is a nice addition too.
So its not using lasers at all, I thought it was using lasers for collision detection, I know those graphics onscreen weren't lasers because they don't act like lasers
It's using the Quest 3's depth sensing in realtime. The 'lasers' part of the post is the drawn effects, that and light-sources illuminating the scene without needed a full 3D scan of it.

The depth sensing uses the same IR light principles as the original Kinect. I guess TOF cameras were too expensive.

Another way of measuring distance is parallax which is just geometry
Edit: that sounds like a really good way of going it
/sometimes my genius astounds even me....
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Wonder why they didn't just go for stereo depth, saves on a camera altogether.
I presume it breaks on low contrast boundaries. IR gives less material issues (?), and structured light requires only one IR camera versus two for stereoscopic IR.
That batman game is impressive. Apparently it's the first game we've seen as a quest 3 exclusive. It also runs at a native framerate without frame generation tech like Assassins Creed.