I've been getting to the point now that I want a VR headset, something like what the Index offers for features but more modern technology. I've been waiting for an "Index 2" but really should do research on what is out there for alternatives.
A Meta headset is not an option.
All I can say right now is after trying the Bigscreen Beyond headset at a friend's place, I have a hard time wanting to use any other headset. The thing is so light that you pretty much forget it's on your head. There's no inertia from a bulky headset (like the PSVR2, Index or any other headset) when quickly moving your head side to side or up and down or wherever.
Keep in mind, that the headset is custom fit to each person's face and IPD so it wasn't the correct IPD for me and it didn't fit my face perfectly (with the custom fit there is Zero light bleed from the outside world). But even with that, it was an amazing experience.
This has basically confirmed for me, at least, that the weight and size are vastly more important than pretty much anything else. Doesn't have eye tracking (needed for Foveated rendering), don't care, I'd still use it over a PSVR2 (which I also tried at his place). I had been wondering if it would be worth it to miss out on some of the more advanced VR features in some of the more advanced headsets on the market ... and for me,
hell yes it's so very worth it. It makes the PSVR2 feel like you have a huge brick attached to your head.
Hell, I was already having to convince myself to use the Quest 2. Now after trying the Bigscreen Beyond headset, there's currently no other headset on the market that I want to use, even my own Quest 2, which presents a problem.
It's expensive for me since I don't already have the Valve base stations (149 USD each and you should have 2-4 of them) that it uses for positional tracking or controllers that are compatible with the valve light towers (like the Index constrollers which are 279 USD). But holy hell do I really REALLY want one.
So, word to the wise, if you don't want to get spoiled by a great VR headset that allows you to use it for hours on end without even knowing you have a headset on, don't ever try the BSB VR headset.

Now that I've tried it, I really kind of hate using any other headset.
It's not perfect, far from it, but, IMO, it's by far the most desirable headset for extended use.
This guy talks about a lot of this (he also uses the BSB almost exclusively now). Not perfect and missing a lot of desirable technology (eye tracking is the big one), but the weight and form factor trump all of that for daily use.