The Order: 1886

i fail to understand what was worst in the order gameplay compared to gears of war gameplay, they played exactly the same to me.
I'm just not a fan of the 3rd person cover shooter. That's all. You're right that 1886 is basically a GoW clone.
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i fail to understand what was worst in the order gameplay compared to gears of war gameplay, they played exactly the same to me.

The mechanics in The Order are pretty decent. Firing a gun feels pretty good. Unlike GoW, The Order didn't really bother to do anything but the bare necessities with them, though. Essentially you get a grand total of two enemy types, regular cannon fodder and annoying armored shotgunners. One diligently remains behind his designated cover spot while the other tries to rush you. Flanking? What the hell is that?. Besides, there's barely 2 hours worth of gunplay in the entire thing to begin with. The rest is movies, awful stealth sequences and quick time events.
You could watch it on Youtube and get most of the experience. ;)
Disagree on that , but basically as a subject. You being in a game world is very different from someone else being in a game world. WHat you would do or spend time on is not what someone else would too. It completely changes the experience. If anything, playthroughs can show you the mood the game is going for, i feel.....and reviews never seem to focus on fun at all, what with the reviewers finishing games ina hurry to publish reviews.
The game had very low input lag which made the shooting more snappy than any other TPS, which made the game very enjoyable. In fact I would be bored watching it on youtube, it didn't lend well to a watching experience as the story wasn't gripping as a movie but it sure kept one glued to the game.

It definitely was imbalanced in pacing, but the characters and the gunfights came accross really well, steakth sections not so well at all. I really wish that we got more of the game to actually play with some of the more fun weapons we got near the end of the game. and it has repeatedly gone on sale for as low as $8 , I think. No reason to not play such a CG-looking game ;)
Disagree on that , but basically as a subject. You being in a game world is very different from someone else being in a game world. WHat you would do or spend time on is not what someone else would too. It completely changes the experience. If anything, playthroughs can show you the mood the game is going for, i feel.....and reviews never seem to focus on fun at all, what with the reviewers finishing games ina hurry to publish reviews.
The game had very low input lag which made the shooting more snappy than any other TPS, which made the game very enjoyable. In fact I would be bored watching it on youtube, it didn't lend well to a watching experience as the story wasn't gripping as a movie but it sure kept one glued to the game.

It definitely was imbalanced in pacing, but the characters and the gunfights came accross really well, steakth sections not so well at all. I really wish that we got more of the game to actually play with some of the more fun weapons we got near the end of the game. and it has repeatedly gone on sale for as low as $8 , I think. No reason to not play such a CG-looking game ;)
I played it because it gave me a Dishonored vibe when I saw the previews. But it's nothing like that game really. Lame stealth and extreme Gears of War shooting and linearity, plus loads of profound cinematic cutscenes. Of course game enjoyment is a personal thing.

It's definitely a looker, yes. But I feel like I've seen enough CGI/film-people-making-games games at this point.

I did play it early this year so it was cheap. I actually picked up a used PS4 just to play some of the exclusives.
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I am playing it right now got it very inexpensively second hand, great game so far excellent graphics. Only complaint thus far is that the subtitles are tiny!
That consistency in materials, lightning, materials, post process and art of course. Also I would say best gunplay for all kill switch alike this gen.

Wonder if IP is totally fubar marketing wise. Best part is whoever played it says "interesting setting, if only this and that..." Shawn please. Some conference, humble PR, remember this guys? " (shows werewolves , audience is laughting, ice broke), yeah we know we messed up but... look at that.. trailer, London, metroidvania/hub world, face melting art and graphics, little less corridors and blocks, stealth and on the other hand levels with melee/guns bloodborne style to shake things up. Add setpieces and story direction Sony style, foundations are there. Do it.
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I wish sony had financed the sequel anyway, even if it lose money it would have been good fan service.

The supposedly problematic aspects of the game looked like they could be solved with better planning and more production oversight. Maybe just bringing people with the right experience to design the combat gameplay.

Don't know if there were some management clash or something...
Some of the gameplay wasn’t great I definitely agree. But other parts were good the story and graphics really wanted you to see it through. One of the select few games that got me to play to the end.
Some of the gameplay wasn’t great I definitely agree. But other parts were good the story and graphics really wanted you to see it through. One of the select few games that got me to play to the end.
I guess that was because it was way too short :p
I felt it was kinda steampunk Gears of War. Story was sorta interesting and the setting was neat to look at, but man was the gameplay boring. The tag-a-long NPC pals are pretty useless too.
Graphic still best (for me) in this console generation but probably budget end and they had to rush release so there is feeling that game end in the middle (also cheap re-usage of the same boss animation). Game with wasted potential but made big impression on me.
If the game had the length and content of something like God of War or UC4, it would easily be one of my top favorite of the gen. The graphics still curbstomp 99% of games out there bar God of War and Detroit. The lighting and AO in this game are of insane quality.
Looks like Facebook is going to use Ready at Dawn to work on VR Titles.
I revisited this after finding out the last exploitable firmware on PS4 was 11.00, mine was on 10.02 🙌

A little video of it in a 32:9 aspect with the black bars patch applied. The game still looks fabulous all these years later, a shame the PS5 doesn’t have any function to upscale like its PS2 emulator.
