Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

That goes both ways, ofcoure. Theres zero evidence that Sony wont be putting more Sony games on (be it PS5, PS4 or PS6 if that ever comes)
It doesn't though, as standard discussion requires, proof of burden is required by the person making the claim.
If you claim that god exists, you present proof. Your argument can't be, well prove to me that god does not exist as you're now putting the burden of proof on someone else.
It's like an anti-vaxxer asking someone who is vaccinated to prove to them that they won't die from their recently injected vaccine sometime in the next 10 years. It's not their job to.

In the same way, if you want to prove that PS5 games will be releasing sooner than later, present proof, as the burden of proof is on the person making the claim. Those who oppose your claim are not required to prove the opposite. They are only required to disprove your claim that it will happen.

If you think of it like chess, you can win, lose, draw or forfeit. There will come a time in which a player will suggest to draw. If the opponent rejects the draw and goes for the win, the match must be played out. The opposing player cannot ask a player to forfeit obviously. So the requirement is on the opposing player to showcase how pointless it is to continue and to forfeit without playing out the remaining match. If it's unclear who the winner is then the match is played to checkmate, which is really code for, if it's not clear who the winner is, then you have to let time decide.

Some players don't know when it's time to forfeit or retire. But I don't see that happening here, the arguments are not specific or strong enough which leads to goal post moving. I think everyone here understands the general trend here with Sony and there is no debate about it that it could get there given a long enough time span.

They are only pushing back on how soon, and if that question is being asked, it should be answered, because they are asking for specifics.
It doesn't though, as standard discussion requires, proof of burden is required by the person making the claim.

Exactly, so if someone claims 'PS (5) games wont come to PC', he or she would need to back that up as evidence. In line with your posts, then ;)

Edit: Im not discussing when sony (PS5 or other PS) exclusives come to pc, but that IF they do (which im sure they do cause sony said so).
That these will be launching at a later time vs the PS, yeah, thats whats happening now and will probably for some time to come. In the long future, i could simultanious releases happen though, but thats a different discussion i think. This topic is about PS games coming to PC afterall.
Exactly, so if someone claims 'PS (5) games wont come to PC', he or she would need to back that up as evidence. In line with your posts, then ;)

Edit: Im not discussing when sony (PS5 or other PS) exclusives come to pc, but that IF they do (which im sure they do cause sony said so).
if there is no announcement that title X is coming to PC; there is nothing for them to prove, by default they are correct until proven wrong.

It's not even a claim they have to make. You can't inverse your claim and ask someone to prove you're wrong.

If you're asking them if they understand it would appear the general trend is towards moving more Sony titles to PC, you're not going to get disagreement from them.
if there is no announcement that title X is coming to PC. There is nothing for them to prove. It's not even a claim they have to make. You can't inverse your claim and ask someone to prove you're wrong.

But thats not what im discussing either, what im forwarding is that (more/future) sony games are coming to pc, as thats what Sony has said themselfs. No idea what kind of titles and/or how long after the PS releases though.
If someone claims that demon souls would see a PC port, thats a guess without evidence. But atleast its a good guess ;) (but maybe not appropiate in this topic since its escalating so quick).
But thats not what im discussing either, what im forwarding is that (more/future) sony games are coming to pc, as thats what Sony has said themselfs. No idea what kind of titles and/or how long after the PS releases though.
If someone claims that demon souls would see a PC port, thats a guess without evidence. But atleast its a good guess ;) (but maybe not appropiate in this topic since its escalating so quick).
I'm not seeing a claim that in the future no more Sony titles wouldn't come to PC. If you want to find the exact comment that says "after title X" no more titles are coming to PC. I'd be interested to see it. I didn't get that from anyone here. People are just dancing around the vagueness of what arrives, how fast it arrives, or which titles may or may not arrive, whether it's the whole catalog or not. All of those valid, because realities are full of generalizations but also full of exceptions.

Even if it became a trend for both MS and Sony to release all their titles on PC day one, I would never rule out exceptions, because exceptions are just that, exceptions. So if you say all, and someone wants to point out a flaw in your argument like (hey there are likely to be exceptions) it's on both parties to come to some middle ground to recognize each other in that one is generalizing, and one is being specific around words.

I really don't see the two groups that far apart in opinion of Sony's strategy here to be honest.
I'm not seeing a claim that in the future no more Sony titles wouldn't come to PC. If you want to find the exact comment that says "after title X" no more titles are coming to PC. I'd be interested to see it. I didn't get that from anyone here. People are just dancing around the vagueness of what arrives, how fast it arrives, or which titles may or may not arrive, whether it's the whole catalog or not. All of those valid, because realities are full of generalizations but also full of exceptions.

Even if it became a trend for both MS and Sony to release all their titles on PC day one, I would never rule out exceptions, because exceptions are just that, exceptions. So if you say all, and someone wants to point out a flaw in your argument like (hey there are likely to be exceptions) it's on both parties to come to some middle ground to recognize each other in that one is generalizing, and one is being specific around words.

I really don't see the two groups that far apart in opinion of Sony's strategy here to be honest.

See it like this, Sony said they are going to bring more PS exclusives to PC. They at a later time aquired a studio (july 2021) and stated alongside that this Nixxes studio was going help studios with porting of their exclusive PS games to PC. Theres not much more to it :p

How fast after the original PS releases, no idea, thats everyones guess. I think its a win-win anyway, PC gamers get both Sony and MS games on their platform, and it does seem like quality ports with improvements aswell. PS gamers are not going to suffer or miss out anything because of Sony's decision to bring over their games to PC.

And what were seeing is Sony dropping an exclusive once in awhile, quite many over the past two years.

Sony might stop porting over their games to pc altogether and dump nixxes, they might do simultanious releases day one or even release games on Xbox. Discussions for another topic perhaps ;)

Edit: maybe let the topic rest untill the next PS game is announced (or leaked/rumoured etc).
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Back in June there was a Q&A with Hermen Hulst (Playstation Studio Boss) where he indicated Sony realized there is a viable PC market outside Playstation for their games. Possibly for lack of development resources and delayed releases, Playstation fan base objected to PC port releases. A few months later Nixxes is brought on board to work primarily with PC ports and to me would indicate Sony intends to increase port exclusives to PC.
Sony confirms PlayStation games will keep coming to PC, but not at launch | TechSpot
"We're still early on in our planning for PC. And Horizon Zero Dawn has been very successful. I think it shows there's an appetite from gamers outside the PlayStation ecosystem to experience the amazing portfolio of games that PlayStation fans have enjoyed for years," Hulst said.

"But I want to emphasize that PlayStation will remain the best place to play our PlayStation Studios titles at launch. But we do value PC gamers, and we'll continue to look at the right times to launch each game. Bend Studio just released the PC version of Days Gone on May 18. So that's about two years after the PS4 release."

Sony's decision to release its console exclusives on the PC has been met with plenty of anger and derision from PlayStation fans, but Hulst tried to appease this crowd by adding: "Releasing games on PC will not come ever at the expense of building an exciting lineup of great console games."
The ROI for their ports to PC market is 250%. Granted they're only using the additional costs of the ports and not the base development costs.

As others have said, corporations will chase the profits. Curious to see what schedule they try to maintain on when to port their titles for that ROI.
The ROI for their ports to PC market is 250%. Granted they're only using the additional costs of the ports and not the base development costs.

As others have said, corporations will chase the profits. Curious to see what schedule they try to maintain on when to port their titles for that ROI.

The PC market will only support so many high production value single player Sony experiences within a given period so that will limit the rate at which they can be ported. Given that, Sony will naturally focus on those games that are likely to generate the largest revenue first. That's why in this early stage of Sony to PC releases we've already got a large proportion of the systems biggest sellers. I think it's a foregone conclusion that the likes of TLOU and Ghost of Tsushima will arrive on PC within a year or two.

Spiderman's a slightly different case given it's unique status in Sony owned IP's. I wouldn't be surprised if that remains a PlayStation exclusive until the Spiderman exclusivity deal itself ends.
KitGuru Games: PlayStation has opened its floodgates to the PC market | KitGuru
October 22, 2021
It is at this point that I must stress that I am all for God of War coming to PC. Heck, Sony should bring every exclusive game to the platform. Not only so that more people can play these excellent games, but also for the sake of preservation.

There are so many PS3 games locked to the system, running at 720p and sub 30fps. Bringing a game to PC simply offers greater tools and freedoms which can allow for preservation. But game preservation is of no concern to Sony. In fact, we have seen companies benefit greatly from doing just the opposite. Nintendo making Super Mario 3D All-Stars a limited timed release only helped to ensure huge sales for the software – and you can bet your bottom dollar that if they ever were to bring it out of the vault that it would sell millions more.

All of this is to say that Sony has had no real long-term incentive to release God of War on PC, and so the fact that it is coming is not only a welcome surprise, but proof that the floodgates have now been opened, and you can expect many many more first-party games to make their way to PC.

While I highly doubt we will ever see these games launch day-and-date on PC, following the release of God of War and Uncharted, expect to hear about other PlayStation games making their way to PC. I for one can’t wait for The Last of Us Parts I and II to come to the platform. The floodgates are open, and I’m excited to see what will be flowing in.
Can you cite those because Wikipedia disagrees? :nope: On average, over the past ten, it's one game per year. Sometimes you get two games in one year (2014, 2016) and some years nothing (2017, 2019).

What will decide if Sony release more ports to PC is how much is costs to have more porting-resource vis-à-vis the return, verses whether spending that money directly on work benefitting development of their own IPs. This is pretty much how all profit-driven organisations work. You don't just look for profit, you look to invest in things they will return the most profit.

Given Sony are now pushing into TV (The Last of Us) and movies (Uncharted), they chase potentially returns from other media than Windows game ports. Right now, it feels like they're dabbling in a bit of everything. They're clearly interested but they would have to massively expand to bring all, most - or even half - of their their exclusive console games to Windows in any reasonable timeframe.

As the saying goes, Wikipedia while a great source of information isn't always correct nor comprehensive.

The following list isn't comprehensive either but is better (pre 2016) and worse (post 2015) than the Wikipedia list.

Nixxes Software BV (Company) - Giant Bomb

That doesn't even include the work they did for the constant ports of FFXIV content, as a successful MMORPG has been ongoing. Nor does it include any of their work after 2015.

That shows that even as far back as 2001 they were capable of doing 2-3 ports (I include assisting with development of games as part of that) a year.

Not everything they do is publicized, like the FFXIV deal. The only way I know about it was with one of the frequent streams that Yoshi P (Naoki Yoshida) and team do, they talked about some of the things that Nixxes added for the PC version of Heavensward before the expansion released.

Here's an idea : Would'nt it be smart for sony to develop games for playstation and p.c , sit on the p.c version and when they think releasing it wont hurt playstation sales release it
Again, 6+ ports in two years is a pretty good number. Nobody even dreams of having more than that. Nixxes is either going to increase that number or maintain it, and as others have pointed out in this thread, Nixxes is a pretty big commitment from Sony indeed.

Mate, Death Stranding is not a Sony game. Sony don't own it, they didn't port it and they are not making any money from the port. Kojima Productions own the game and Sony's role was making the engine available to Kojima and publishing the game on PS4 and PS5. End of. I can't have a discussion with you if you cannot grasp basic facts, this has been posted posted endlessly.

How much did the PC ports of Days Gone and Horizon earn Sony? Just sales numbers would be good.

And sure, you can crank out a lot of ports - like the five that Sony actually are directly involved in - if you task lots of different people to do it. Like Guerilla Games for Horizon, Sony Santa Monica for God of War, Iron Galaxy for the two Uncharted games and Sony Bend for Days Gone. But then you have resource in first party teams doing (or paying external teams to do) work to make a little extra cash instead of producing new IP which could potentially produce orders of magnitudes more profit.

Sony have a strong history of developing new IPs and working them with for a generation or two, then moving on. There are few IPs that Sony developed/own older than two generations - Ratchet & Clank is a rare one.. Astrobots maybe.. although they're more a concept than a specific game or genre.
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The following list isn't comprehensive either but is better (pre 2016) and worse (post 2015) than the Wikipedia list. Nixxes Software BV (Company) - Giant Bomb

I was only referring the 2010+ output because ports before were quicker but aren't reflective of the work required now, and this is literally the same list of the same games being released in the same years. Seriously SB, WTF man! :nope:

Sorry to unfairly mini-rant at you because I've never seen you do this before but there is so much of this type of posting on B3D, it's disheartening when posts from members I always enjoy reading, post some reference without obviously having read it. Somebody literally did this over in one of the other forums yesterday, trying to proved a point they literally shoved some links in, told me to read them and admitted they have not read them ether. Like WTF. I've posted some shite in haste on occasion (and I'm not proud of it) but the overall level of discourse on B3D has easily reached GAF-level at its worst and this is the most common reason being when people ask for their accounts to be deleted - those that say and don't just silently disappear.

Shifty Geezer used to keep the discussion honest and call out the bullshit. The level of discourse has massively declined ever since he left. :(


Don't let the live of discourse grab your posts down, man. It's a slippery slope. The type of posts you make are pretty much the only reason I even visit this forum but the quality posts are drowned by shit posts and it's just not worth digging through shit to find a bit of gold. :nope:
maybe let the topic rest untill the next PS game is announced (or leaked/rumoured etc).

I think giving this topic a rest would be a good idea. Its WAY too sensitive of a subject (PS games coming to another platform), just look back in this thread and we see the same thing. Posts like above here are bound to happen. Look at other forums and social media, its just not a good idea to discuss these kind of things. Also, i have been told to not use wikipedia by others along time ago and was asked to provide more reliable sources (even though i think wiki was correct but ok).
Wikipedia is rarely accepted as any reliable source anywhere.
Also, i have been told to not use wikipedia by others along time ago and was asked to provide more reliable sources (even though i think wiki was correct but ok). Wikipedia is rarely accepted as any reliable source anywhere.

Wikipedia is reliable as long as the reader is mindful to check the sources. Wikipedia requires citations and ideally people should be more discerning about the information they consume. Whenever I read any news story, which is almost never from the original source, I click to go directly to the source report.

Any 'reporting' citing any source that does not directly link to that source is best ignored. In truth, most people read "news" that provides confirmation bias information for what they chose to be correct. Anybody who "likes" or "dislikes" company X is pretty much already lost to accepting facts. If you associate with a discorporate body of people motivated to monetise you, you're fucked already.

Critical thinking feels lost to the past. You post that you were told to not trust Wikipedia but don't comprehend why - is the root of the problem. You trusted somebody to tell you that. It was a half-truth, but you've embraced it without question. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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As the saying goes, Wikipedia while a great source of information isn't always correct nor comprehensive.
The following list isn't comprehensive either but is better (pre 2016) and worse (post 2015) than the Wikipedia list.

Nixxes Software BV (Company) - Giant Bomb

That doesn't even include the work they did for the constant ports of FFXIV content, as a successful MMORPG has been ongoing. Nor does it include any of their work after 2015.
That shows that even as far back as 2001 they were capable of doing 2-3 ports (I include assisting with development of games as part of that) a year.

Not everything they do is publicized, like the FFXIV deal. The only way I know about it was with one of the frequent streams that Yoshi P (Naoki Yoshida) and team do, they talked about some of the things that Nixxes added for the PC version of Heavensward before the expansion released.

Agreed. Past Wikipedia experience lends me not to take to heart a lot of what they publish. As a source it's good for getting a foothold, though more likely what you get usually turns out to be a molehill rather than a mountain of information.
Wikipedia is reliable as long as the reader is mindful to check the sources. Wikipedia requires citations and ideally people should be more discerning about the information they consume. Whenever I read any news story, which is almost never from the original source, I click to go directly to the source report.

Any 'reporting' citing any source that does not directly link to that source is best ignored. In truth, most people read "news" that provides confirmation bias information for what they chose to be correct. Anybody who "likes" or "dislikes" company X is pretty much already lost to accepting facts. If you associate with a discorporate body of people motivated to monetise you, you're fucked already.

Critical thinking feels lost to the past. You post that you were told to not trust Wikipedia but don't comprehend why - is the root of the problem. You trusted somebody to tell you that. It was a half-truth, but you've embraced it without question. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oh but i agree with you there. Not all 'official' articles are reliable either, some do break out news based on some bad japanese translation and go run with it. If wikipedia has its sources listed at the bottem, then i wouldnt see any problem with it either. I think its a school/education thing aswell, here (in sweden atleast) its forbidden to use wikipedia as any source material.

Anyway, i think Nixxes has more capability now then before with Sony backing them. They seem to be serious about quality ports, something that hasnt always been the case in previous generations. Same for MS, they seem to make sure the PC version of halo infinite gets its extra polish and features.
Anyway, i think Nixxes has more capability now then before with Sony backing them.
I would be interested to believe why you think this. There are no reports that Nixxes have in any way expanded and over the past ten years have managed - on average - one significant platform port a year. Why would they be better now Sony own them? There is no information to suggest have more people so how would they be more capable at producing ports?
Anyway, i think Nixxes has more capability now then before with Sony backing them. They seem to be serious about quality ports, something that hasnt always been the case in previous generations. Same for MS, they seem to make sure the PC version of halo infinite gets its extra polish and features.
Only time will tell. I also don't think Nixxes will be on the same PC port cadence as they were prior to the acquisition since Sony may open the floodgates, allowing them to multitask many titles at the same time.