I'm a bit perplexed by this statement.
the 2060 is 6.5TF. It's outputting a better an fixed 4K buffer that looks better than native while being under powered and with less bandwidth. It's not holding a locked 60 sure, I think that is a bit of a stretch anyway for it, but I don't understand the claim about the PS5 punching above it's weight, and in this case well above a 2060 here. 16 GB vs 6GBish. 448GB/s vs 336 GB/s, less clockspeed, less rops, less compute... PS5 by default weighs more than a 2060.
Just because the internal rendering resolution for DLSS is 1080p before it's boosted to 4K, doesn't make its output inferior. We literally just watched a video about how it's superior to native.
People need to get out of the mindset of trying to make apples to apples comparisons especially across architectures and vendors and rendering methods. There's just no value here.