Perhaps I'm wrong but didn't DX12 release after XB1? If I'm right than its plausible many of tools used early on for development lacked the advantages, that seems to match what I recall anyway... The improvement we saw with XB1 rendering post launch happened for a reason . There's still a difference between XB1 and PS4 but frame rates and resolutions did improve on XB1.The troubling (?) thing is that the supposedly custom-built Jaguar cores that are in the Scorpio that show these wonderful gains because DX12 is built into an additional compute unit closer to the metal on the GPU that offloads draw functions from the CPU and shows 30% (?) gains in the Forza Tech demo so that the Scorpio runs equivalent to a GTX 1070 with PC Ultra settings at 4k only does so using ExecuteIndirect and only does so because it's a 1st party MS game. The XB1 never saw gains from its "DX12 Secret Sauce" because 3rd party developers didn't use it. What would motivate them to use it for Scorpio if they didn't for XB1?
It seems to me that we can almost completely ignore any benefits from that for the Scorpio because we haven't seen them come to fruition for the XB1.
That seriously degrades the performance levels that DF witnessed and reported on, if true.
Where am I going wrong in my thinking?
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