Dead Nation PSN game by Housemarque

I went to look on Youtube, and there's lots of people who did take footage from the game. It looks GORGEOUS! Particularly two minutes into this one, with the fog interacting with the lighting, just fantastic. This is what I hoped Alien Breed would end up looking like. Hopefully people get to licence this tech/engine for other games ... (yeah, I know, but I can hope, right?). Awesome!

Online coop for this would be great, but it really didn't fit for SSHD and would have been really difficult to do. I'll be happy either way for this title since I'll have people to play with, lol.

It might not been easy to make or actually been fun to play, but offline coop on it was fun, but the logistics in getting somebody to play offline coop is quite much higher for me, than a pickup and play game of online with friends.
I went to look on Youtube, and there's lots of people who did take footage from the game. It looks GORGEOUS! Particularly two minutes into this one, with the fog interacting with the lighting, just fantastic. This is what I hoped Alien Breed would end up looking like. Hopefully people get to licence this tech/engine for other games ... (yeah, I know, but I can hope, right?). Awesome!

I think it looks absolutely fantastic and the "isometric" perspective really pushes my buttons in a C64 way.

After SSHD it's an instant purchase. I just hope there's more to the gameplay than simply frying zombies! With that gfx engine they could do a whole lot more.
looks like zombie apocalpyse with better lighting imo. that being said, i loved super stardust and zombie anything is cool so I will get this (hopefully its discounted on psn+ :smile:)
An oct-Dec 2010 release, oh well... I was so hoping it'd come this summer.
The game looks great fun, and I love zombies :)
Yes, an Alien Breed type game would be amazing with that engine, hope Housemarque make some downloadable levels with space zombie aliens theme.

When I first saw Dead Nation, I had little interest in it as it looked like too much just shooting, basically SSHD with zombies.
Now it looks like it has some adventuring and exploration too, not just non-stop dual stick shooter, and I like that.
I would be reasonable if they introduce 4-player online coop, like in L4D!!

This would be great, but 2 player online coop or system coop is minimum, if they want to buy me this game!!
I went to look on Youtube, and there's lots of people who did take footage from the game. It looks GORGEOUS! Particularly two minutes into this one, with the fog interacting with the lighting, just fantastic. This is what I hoped Alien Breed would end up looking like. Hopefully people get to licence this tech/engine for other games ... (yeah, I know, but I can hope, right?). Awesome!
Yes, it's ideally suited to a CON/BGDA type game. In fact any developer wanting some eaasy money should license this engine, drop in some goblins and mages and some levelling, grab the Baldur's Gate name and sell it to the hundreds of thousands of fans and their SO's who loved those games and want a good sequel!
Yes, it's ideally suited to a CON/BGDA type game. In fact any developer wanting some eaasy money should license this engine, drop in some goblins and mages and some levelling, grab the Baldur's Gate name and sell it to the hundreds of thousands of fans and their SO's who loved those games and want a good sequel!

You are right, I would buy it instantaneously...

EDIT: it seems that you like Baldur's Gate as much as I do?!
Yes, it's ideally suited to a CON/BGDA type game. In fact any developer wanting some eaasy money should license this engine, drop in some goblins and mages and some levelling, grab the Baldur's Gate name and sell it to the hundreds of thousands of fans and their SO's who loved those games and want a good sequel!

True. Though it appears that Snowblind are doing just fine with creating that game as well. ;) But competition would be fine too. ;) The Lara Croft PSN/XBLA game that's coming soon could also be done in this engine.
Cool! Wouldn't have minded that beta being in the Plus subscription at all. ;)

what are we paying for again? I know this is OT but it's rediculous, PS+ was sold on how we'd get into betas - what did the UK get? the chance to buy Tomb Raider 1 for £8 2 weeks before the cheap seats.

whoop-ti-flamin do

back OT, how does this compare to that other zombie shooter that name escapes me?
David Bull | August 16th, 2010 at 11:27 am
There are weapon shops at every checkpoint where you can purchase new weapons and upgrade the ones already in your arsenal. Different types of armor can be purchased and upgraded here too.
Currently there is two-player offline co-op but the team is looking into what else is possible.
No online coop, no 4-player coop?!
...lame, seemed to be a no brainer for me to incorporate online coop?!
I hoped to get some L2D type game...

In the tech section, pics reveal 720p and no AA according to our Mods, which is kind of lame too!

Call me at least sceptic about this game!

When there big new feature is 3D support...I am out!
The game is fun, but not as much as SSHD, but it might be that SSHD got much more playtime since it was one of the few games available at that time. And it took some play time to really get into SSHD.

To it currently is to slow, but its challenging, you need a few games under your belt to figure out what combo of weapons is good and what upgrades when etc. Much like SSHD, although the "lava" weapon was the easy way out :)
And currently the pace is a bit on the slow side, but then I only played the 2 first levels of the beta.

Beta has only single player available and from comments on the EU blog, its only Local coop, but they are looking into online. Which I think should be possible due to the lower pace of this game.
I'm glad it's slower. I'm a bit fed up with in-your-face action. I want some strategic think-time in my action games.
The game is fun, but not as much as SSHD, but it might be that SSHD got much more playtime since it was one of the few games available at that time. And it took some play time to really get into SSHD.

To it currently is to slow, but its challenging, you need a few games under your belt to figure out what combo of weapons is good and what upgrades when etc. Much like SSHD, although the "lava" weapon was the easy way out :)
And currently the pace is a bit on the slow side, but then I only played the 2 first levels of the beta.

Beta has only single player available and from comments on the EU blog, its only Local coop, but they are looking into online. Which I think should be possible due to the lower pace of this game.

Can you tell us your impression about the graphics please?!
Well I know squat about graphics from the technical point, its more if I like it or not. And Dead Nation is good enough for me.

The screenshoots I have seen, seems more zoomed in that the few levels I have played, might happen at later levels.
It felt like a slowdown when I got jumped by a gazillion zoombies and there was explosions going of everywhere etc. But it might have been my char being stuck also :)

In general from laymans point of view, the graphics are okay, its not wow like Killzone2, but it might just be the style that does not blow me away.
There seems to be a wee bit of physics in here, zoomibies gibs when killed, there are cans/heads or something on the ground to you can kick at etc.

I think I have figured out why I feel the games pace is slow, my equipment sucks, you can upgrade your armour and exoskeleton also and from the looks of it, it should increase the speed of your char.

Anyways, I'll give it a deeper go tonight and let you know if I fall in love with another Housemarque game :)
Regarding the demo: what I was not aware before playing the game...the controls:

you use the left stick to run around
you use the right stick to aim, but not to shoot - which surprised me!
you actually use R1 button to shoot your gun and R2 button for close combat attack
L1 is grenades or flare and L2 is kind of rush/boost sprint.
The face buttons are for changing weapons, and the cross for changing grenades/flares..items in general.

What I liked, there where occasionally some weapon shops around, where you could buy and upgrade weapons and your armor.

In the option of the demo, there was also Co-op game mentioned, but I could not choose it so I don't know how many players and offline/online.

Graphics were not special to be honest. I had the impression that the game was rather challenging - there are a lot of zombies and you had to aim well - one of the rare demos where I actually died.