New Resistance: Fall Of Man Screens

Maybe. I'm going to wait till some of the better looking X360 games come out (GOW, Lost planet etc) so I can make a comparison (yes, it will be a poor comparison, just graphics and if its on one disc or if GOW is on 3 discs, well then). Then we can make some kind of judgement, I guess.
Surely PS3 can do better than this?

Not trying to justify anything, but I think it should be noted that one of the team members mentioned that those screens are before lighting and polishing has been put into effect. He mentioned that various things would look different.

I don't believe this at all, just an example of a Sony First party 'making the case' for BR.
At first I was "wow'ed" at the high number, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. They have the space, why not benefit from it? Mark Rein mentioned in the past that games would be 20GB+, and this is just the beginning I'm speculating.

Someone from the developers team just responded, It is 22gb, but they don't know the break down.

Glad you got an response. :)
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The original article has been updated to answer your question:

"Schneider offered some distinguishing stats (which he called MTV News on Tuesday to further clarify). The game, he said, currently takes up 22 Gigabytes of memory on a Blu-Ray disc, the new disc format supported by the PS3 that is one-half of a VHS-vs.-Betamax format war erupting between tech companies throughout the year. While the music and vocals in "Resistance" take up only about 1 Gigabyte of disc space, graphics, level data and programming code occupy most of the remaining 21." - MTV,
Now that's impressive, what was this MTV reporter listening to when he thought orchestral music took a big part as in the article before the update?

They might use some procedural generation tool to generate a vast battlefield terrain with random objects scattered.
21 GIGs of game data! Very funny! Thats the dumbest thing I've ever read.

If the textures, level data reach 800MB I'd be suprised.

21 gigs is insane.Maybe 20 years from now games *might*(but I doubt) use this amount.
the only way 21 gb is possible (based on what ive seen in screenshots) is a lot of the content is unique
eg unlike quake X unreal X halflife X halo X (insert pratcically every other game here) which reuse textures/meshes this has unique meshes eg tree A is completely different to tree B (ie not like oblivion) or textures are unique eg some megatexture like scheme
21 GIGs of game data! Very funny! Thats the dumbest thing I've ever read.

If the textures, level data reach 800MB I'd be suprised.

21 gigs is insane.Maybe 20 years from now games *might*(but I doubt) use this amount.

Well, not the first time somebody makes this claim ;)

Mark Rein said:
Unreal Tournament was 6GB compressed. Next Generation games are going to be 20GB plus, and how we're going to fit them on DVD9's I don't know, they'll probably be a few of them. On the PS3, we're going to be using the majority of the space on those Blu-ray disks...
Not Lying, probably just stretching the truth. :)

Maybe they are using Mega Textures?

I don't know........I've been coding for 30 years and in my day, 4,000 bytes was a lot! 21 GIGs sounds VERY sloppy. I enjoy a tight programming ship.

So in those 30 years, you never noticed that each generation of hardware came with an increase in resolution, memory and fidelity, and that developer teams grew from one man in a garage to a team of 50-100, the biggest part of which have become graphics designers?

My guess is that since they have rebuilt a number of real locations, they cannot and are not using procedural textures, and furthermore, use lots of different and unique textures. (Just walk through your typical city, and ask yourself how much textures you could reuse if you wanted to model it accurately)
Insomniac isn't a Sony first party.
Yeah, they're independent. Close ties with Sony may be encouraging them to say nice things, but it can't be said they're going to be as biased as a first party developer.

As for 20 GB of graphics and code, I'm terrified at the prospect of multi-gigabyte code for games! That's insane. I also can't see how they'd manage multi-gigabytes of graphics data on disc, unless there's massive amounts of unique building textures etc. If the world is enormous and has a lot of variety, base textures modified...though even then they're limited to how many fit in RAM at a given moment. Perplexing indeed.
According to Insomniac games forums, there's gona be a big update for Resistance: Fall of Man in thuesday. ;)

How big it is? It remains to be seen! :D