And providing a DRM scheme significantly more consumer friendly than Steam is not caring about consumer needs and demands?
Steam is a store, and games sold from Steam can use various DRM methods (including Valve's own). The balance of pro's and cons detailing what Steam offers over the Xbone's closed platform linked to a single storefront linked to a single DRM system linked to a Paywall is not straight forward.
This comparison is not clear cut, and it is by no means certain that MS would come out as the winner against "Steam".
I think consumers can care about their needs and demands just fine. The company is putting forward a product, and the consumers can decide if it provides enough value to them that they want to buy it.
I don't know the entirety of what MS is offering, and neither does anyone else here AFAIK, so how is "average joe" supposed to know what kind of potential den of snakes they're climbing into? How is a customer supposed to make these informed decisions in the face of wilful obfuscation from the likes of that Nelson chap? There seem to be a lot of people asking MS questions and only getting a response of something like !?!