MS ensures this gen and next gen dominance

This thread's degeneration: Really? :LOL:

as for the topic, online ordering for pizza from the big chains is a pretty byzantine process imo. i usually find it easier to just pick up the phone. it'd be even worse trying to type stuff in from a xbox controller.

much ado about nothing.
But what about passing by the pizza joint and seeing what's there. Or receiving leaflets in the mailbox. Or go to the website then call.
I didn't know there were Android/IOS apps for ordering pizza till this thread.
After reading a couple of posts from this thread, I dropped everything and...I made pizza for dinner last night. I used real cheese (Gouda, Cheddar and Mozzarella) and made my own pseudo Italian sausages (with blue cheese). Hate to toot my own horn, but it's the tastiest pizza I have eaten since I'm on assignment here in China.

Here in China, pizza sucks and is very expensive, it borderline criminal. They have all your standard US pizza chains (Domino's, Pizza Hut, Pappa John, etc), but somehow the toppings suck...and so little of it. Because most asians don't like a lot of Cheese, they put very little cheese. And it's oily like most chinese food. Oh how I miss pizza back in the states. There's so many ma' and pop places in the SF bayarea that make honest* pizza.

* Real cheese and toppings
Pizza Hut on Indonesia.

Call them to order, confused with so many special offers and menu. Hang up,

See the pizza hut website. See the offer and menu. Got what I wanted, call them again to order.

Nowadays I just order black paper beef pan pizza with normal crush.
If I have lots of spare money I order it with extra cheese topping :D

And by the time the pizza arrive, it will be almost cold :/
Not so amazing that were was no tomato, as that was before tomato, as a New World fruit, got there. I wonder if, instead of an italian dish that came to America, pizza tomato was an American dish that came to Italia.

Before the pizza flat bread existed already and it was used as the base for countless of ingredients, actually it was a substitute of plates in many, many cultures. (it still is)
It has always been a common dish in the EU in the Middle East, and even in Africa or India for centuries.
The only thing that come to Italy was the tomato, the new ingredient, which was centuries later used for the Pizza by Neapolitan.
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Given the in-depth discussion into what constitutes a pizza/pie on a technical basis, should I move this thread to the console tech forum?
After reading a couple of posts from this thread, I dropped everything and...I made pizza for dinner last night. I used real cheese (Gouda, Cheddar and Mozzarella) and made my own pseudo Italian sausages (with blue cheese). Hate to toot my own horn, but it's the tastiest pizza I have eaten since I'm on assignment here in China.

Here in China, pizza sucks and is very expensive, it borderline criminal. They have all your standard US pizza chains (Domino's, Pizza Hut, Pappa John, etc), but somehow the toppings suck...and so little of it. Because most asians don't like a lot of Cheese, they put very little cheese. And it's oily like most chinese food. Oh how I miss pizza back in the states. There's so many ma' and pop places in the SF bayarea that make honest* pizza.

* Real cheese and toppings

I have only had pizza in China once and it was so depressing I'd rather have glutinous rice balls or cold pork knuckles... The thing is the picture looked like real pizza...

Wake me up when they release a 360 SKU that dispenses Doritos and cans of Mountain Dew from the disk tray.

Then we'll be talking :devilish:
I have only had pizza in China once and it was so depressing I'd rather have glutinous rice balls or cold pork knuckles... The thing is the picture looked like real pizza...
:???: Achievement unlocked: Find a fine pizza in China.
I have only had pizza in China once and it was so depressing I'd rather have glutinous rice balls or cold pork knuckles... The thing is the picture looked like real pizza...

Pizza in Japan used to be the same way back in the 80's. Pizza there is pretty darn good now though. So perhaps in 20-30 years China will also have good pizza. :D


Wake me up when they release a 360 SKU that dispenses Doritos and cans of Mountain Dew from the disk tray.

Then we'll be talking :devilish:

Actually the Doritos/Dew part is already working, but they're in the middle of FDA approval on the requisite insulin dispensing module.
Given the in-depth discussion into what constitutes a pizza/pie on a technical basis, should I move this thread to the console tech forum?

It's probably relevant on this forum as I believe what it really means is that Microsoft's next console requires always Pizza, in that you have to keep eating pizza for your game to keep working. Seems unfair to people in parts of the world that have no pizza though.
Here in the backwater "midwest" I don't think I've ever heard pizza referred to as pie. Do you need to be sophisticated or something?
Here in the backwater "midwest" I don't think I've ever heard pizza referred to as pie. Do you need to be sophisticated or something?

I think it's mostly a NE thing + Chicago and Philly. I've heard a lot of people from New York, New Jersey, Boston, Chicago, etc. call them pies.

Not so much people that didn't grow up in the NE + Chicago + Philly, however.

The exact opposite. Pizzas are only referred to as pies by white trash.

Hey I'm from the East coast originally and as a teenager I spent several years making pizzas for a couple of newly immigrated Italian
families and we always called it "pie"

so :p