[PS3] Killzone 3

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I think one of the major differences we are seeing in terms of texture quality is simply a result of the change from Quincunx to MLAA, which doesn't blur the textures as much. Uncharted 2, using MSAAx4, didn't suffer from texture blurring. And make no mistake - thanks to its more limited environments, running speeds, etc, Uncharted could afford high quality textures almost anywhere.

Re the reticule, you can hide it for the Move, and at Elite difficulty you can't even enable it. :smile:

Definitely looking forward to trying this with Move. The way they handle stopping the turning with a dynamic bounding box seems very clever, just like the dynamic turning speed ...

U2 was 2x not 4x I believe
I honestly don't care if the camera's behind the gun or behind the head of the playable character...what I want instead is a wider FOV, most console FPS have average FOV and it was even less in case of Killzone 2, sure I can get used to it after a while but it certainly wasn't a pleasant experience.
What about camera? Is it still on the chest or on character head as GG promised? Can someone with NG account ask TTP about this in this thread? :D

I asked him on Skype, and he says he couldn't see that much of a difference ... the camera may have been a little higher up, but not really noticeable. Your mileage may very though - personally I probably wouldn't really notice as even in Killzone 2 didn't bother me - it's just a matter of what other games you play and how much.

That said, the field of view seemed larger in the beta, but that could also just be because you could see more clearly into the distance, giving a wider perspective.
I honestly don't care if the camera's behind the gun or behind the head of the playable character...what I want instead is a wider FOV, most console FPS have average FOV and it was even less in case of Killzone 2, sure I can get used to it after a while but it certainly wasn't a pleasant experience.

It seems that in melee, you can gorge Helghasts' eyes, and in general fight at the same level. I didn't notice the height difference. May be it's more obvious when compared to a friendly soldier ?

A wider FOV would definitely be helpful.
Small FOV troubled me too in KZ2. Sometimes it would get too claustrophobic in small rooms. The biggest gripe was close quarters fights were really messed up due to really narrow FOV.

As for the blur caused by QAA, I think it helped KZ2 a lot in making it look very CGish and real. Everything meshed together cos of that blur and it never felt irritating like in Ratchet games. In KZ2, it just blended with the overall feel of a dusty/smoky heavy environment. I think it helped a lot in KZ2's look rising up from just looking like a game, to very CG movie like. But then, it was incorporated really well in the art style and post effects gelled with it. The QAA blur looks horrible in all other games.
The QAA blur looks horrible in all other games.

Completely disagree with you on this one - I much prefer MLAA for Killzone 3, while QAA never bothered me in Ratchet, because it suited the cartoon-like shading and texturing very well. Of course I don't know how MLAA would have looked on that game, so I can't say for sure that I wouldn't prefer MLAA for that as well. But for Killzone 3, the environment detail stands out soo much more.
Completely disagree with you on this one - I much prefer MLAA for Killzone 3, while QAA never bothered me in Ratchet, because it suited the cartoon-like shading and texturing very well. Of course I don't know how MLAA would have looked on that game, so I can't say for sure that I wouldn't prefer MLAA for that as well. But for Killzone 3, the environment detail stands out soo much more.

You totally misuderstood me there. MLAA looks great in KZ3, I am not asking for QAA in KZ3. I was just saying that though KZ2 had QAA, but they incoporated it so well in the overqll look that it actually helped the game rather than working against it as in other games.

As for Ratchet, cartoons and blur didn't work for me. TOD looked murky due to QAA. Cartoony look works best with high resolution and clean lines n textures. QAA was working against the clean look there.

But then, its better you didn't dislike it. You enjoyed the game more than me :D ! I was always thinking,"Oh ! This would look even better if nt for this blur!" ;)
Wasn't Ratchet substantially sub-720p anyway? (sub HD + QAA is sort of a worst case scenario that's all too frequent on the PS3)

Still, I think there are plenty of games where QAA didn't hamper the visuals at all. TR Underworld, Prince of Persia 08 and the Assassin's Creed games spring to mind here.
You totally misuderstood me there. MLAA looks great in KZ3, I am not asking for QAA in KZ3. I was just saying that though KZ2 had QAA, but they incoporated it so well in the overqll look that it actually helped the game rather than working against it as in other games.

As for Ratchet, cartoons and blur didn't work for me. TOD looked murky due to QAA. Cartoony look works best with high resolution and clean lines n textures. QAA was working against the clean look there.

But then, its better you didn't dislike it. You enjoyed the game more than me :D ! I was always thinking,"Oh ! This would look even better if nt for this blur!" ;)

But Ratchet not use QAA from what I know... it's just the 960x720p resolution who cause the blurrish effect...it use 2xmsaa.

Picking up a specially marked copy of Killzone 3 will grant you access to the SOCOM 4 Multiplayer Beta. If you want to experience SOCOM 4’s 32-player multiplayer battles first, buying Killzone 3 is the easiest way to get access.

Zipper Interactive’s Chris Roper has the details for you below:

To get early access to the beta, look for the SOCOM 4 callout on the front of all eligible copies of Killzone 3 (including both the standalone and Helghast Editions). Inside the box you’ll find a PSN code that you’ll be able to redeem for your early access as soon as the beta goes live. To find out when the SOCOM 4 multiplayer beta begins, be sure to check back at SOCOM.com once you pick up your copy of Killzone 3, hitting shelves on February 22nd.

We’ll have more information on the SOCOM 4 multiplayer beta itself in the near future. For now, take a look at the callout for the beta on the awesome Killzone 3 box art!
OK first review just dropped in. 9/10 from CD Action, the biggest selling Polish video game magazine. Credit to Tiberius of GT forum.

one of the most beautiful games in the world
well-balanced, varied campaign
high difficulty level
Move and Sharp Shooter play

- series deserved deeper and better protagonists
- minor technical difficulties (Killzone 3, PS3)

KZ3 got a 10 for graphics and sound, 9 for gameplay. A very promising start I'd say:).
I hope KZ3's mp is significantly improved. I would love to ditch COD series for a while and make KZ3 my go to MP game. I'm really eager to see how well it controls with move.
Now, this is the way to showcase Move controls !

After watching that video, one is left with no doubts in his mind. Sony and GG showcasings never really convinced me on how well Move has been incorporated into KZ3. This Iwaggle guy is doing a great service to humanity and Move. Sony should acknowledge that make him the internet face of Move.
Really, Call of Duty: W@W on the Wii already convinced me that pointer + nunchuck controls are the future of FPS gaming on consoles. Treyarch really did a fantastic job with that port. Of course, it also convinced me that they really needed to put more than two easily accessible buttons on each controller (you can always feel developers struggling with button scarcity on Wii FPSes...Nintendo put the -/+ buttons in an awkward spot, and you can't quite reach all 4 D-pad directions and keep your thumb comfortably near the A button, and there's always something mapped to shaking the nunchuck), and that's basically what Move is. In other words, the concept's been proven for a while now, but it needed some refining. Ironically, Sony's the one that took it to the next level, not Nintendo, who's sort of given up advancing motion controls.
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