[PS3] Killzone 3

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I have this constant urge to get HAZE and try it. I really liked the demo, it felt old school and had good gameplay mechanics. But I can't find a really cheap copy :( ! I can't pay full price for it as lot of people say its really bad. But something keeps telling me its good, just with bad textures.

Please for the love of God SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!

Haze is complete and utter tripe!!!... I had to learn the hard way when i subbornly ignored the backlash and picked it up. It was at discount price much later mind you, but that still didn't make it any easier to not hate myself for actually buying it and wasting those hours of my life on that game that i'll never get back.

Haze for me was one of the worst gaming experiences i've ever had in my entire life, and considering that it came from the same guys that made the Timesplitters games (all of which i adored) i just couldn't believe what they were thinking when they decided to push that game out the door in the state it was in.

It's not just the textures... the voice acting was the worst bit... IMHO, no hyperbole intended, i wish i could find something to like about Haze... but even in the 2+ years since i finished it, even when i try to put on my rose tinted glasses... it's still a POS :cry:

Edit: If you live in the UK, PM me and i'll post you my copy.
I was looking around and noticed that the Helghast Edition is priced at £122 in UK...wtf ?
Compare this to the NA price which comes around £84...damn you HMV.

Just to let you know, I was just browsing the HMV website and noticed that the Helghast Edition is now £99.

Which, ironically enough, once you take VAT into account means it's cheaper than the US version.... praise you HMV.

Wouldn't it make sense to do it before post processing stuff like DoF, Bloom and motion blur?
This way all edges would still be easy to find

Makes sense to me.


I think that [strike]would[/strike] may be a good idea if KZ3 was on PC, but I don't think you can run the filter multiple times on PS3.
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Naughty Dog might have shared their texture streaming tech with GG no? But this game, why is it still 36 days away from my hands?!!

ND should take from GG texture filtering tech :p
Its a shame that Uncharted with so awesome textures [one of the best] has trilinear filtering, when Killzone 3 has Anisotropic. Uncharted 2 suffered much because of it.
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Now, this is the way to showcase Move controls !

After watching that video, one is left with no doubts in his mind. Sony and GG showcasings never really convinced me on how well Move has been incorporated into KZ3. This Iwaggle guy is doing a great service to humanity and Move. Sony should acknowledge that make him the internet face of Move.

I wish GG allowed us to make the reticule smaller , though. That big yellow aim marker looks bad on that amazing looking game, to be honest. They should have given an option to choose from a smaller reticule if the player wishes so. I can't play with reticule off, I waste a lot of bullets trying to figure out where they will hit.
Great looking game though and great Move implementation, especially that camrea contrl tweaks that they have implemented.

Has anyone noticed that those breakable pillars have a strange green colour and look too clean to be in that dirty environment ? Also, when they break, what shows up inside is not iron bars+Concrete but some smooth dark material. Its preview code, things might be different in final code though. Maybe my memory is over glorifying KZ2, but didn't we have better looking insides of pillars and more smoke FX i KZ2? I might be wrong though. Can't find any screens on my HDD.

EDIT: looked closely, they do have iron bars in them.
Also, this is the only screen I found on my HDD of breaking pillars in KZ2:

But everything is blurred here due to grenade explosion. Wish I could find a screen with bullet hits on pillars.
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I think one of the major differences we are seeing in terms of texture quality is simply a result of the change from Quincunx to MLAA, which doesn't blur the textures as much. Uncharted 2, using MSAAx4, didn't suffer from texture blurring. And make no mistake - thanks to its more limited environments, running speeds, etc, Uncharted could afford high quality textures almost anywhere.

Re the reticule, you can hide it for the Move, and at Elite difficulty you can't even enable it. :smile:

Definitely looking forward to trying this with Move. The way they handle stopping the turning with a dynamic bounding box seems very clever, just like the dynamic turning speed ...
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