Zelda DS,the future for Wii?


I know there is a handheld section but this is really about Wii games speculation.
Here is an in depth early look at Zelda DS.
What strikes me is how they have created a full Zelda game that you can control entirely with the stylus and I couldn't help but think about future Wii games.
Ever since I first saw that Mario Sunshine video with Mario being controlled with one Wiimote,I wondered if Nintendo could pull off a full,deep and complex 3d adventure game controlled entirely with the Wiimote. I'm still wondering but looking at Zedla DS gives some ideas.
What do you think,would it feel weird,would it loose something in the process,would Nintendo take such a big risk one of their big franchises on Wii to test the waters,would it play well etc?.
First big difference is that zelda DS is top down and a console version probably will never be. Personally I think TP for Wii controlled perfectly with the wiimote and nunchuck. I dont see any reason why they should change that. What they need to do is take the basic zelda TP controlls and center the game puzzels etc more around the wiimote.
I'm not just thinking of Zelda,but any of the Nintendo franchises.
More use of the Wiimote for puzzles would also be good.
After playing Phantom Hourglass, I think the stylus control kind of work for top view Zelda. Though I found Phantom Hourglass to be less enjoyable compare to all other Zelda. Its easy and tedious, the puzzles are way too easy. Zelda PH is an average game, which is quite mediocre for Nintendo standard, especially for Zelda. I am really disappointed by it. I rated it 3/10.

On the Wii, I can see Zelda going the way Super Mario Galaxy style control, with a fairy pointer of sort you can wave around the screen and interact with everything.
Its easy and tedious, the puzzles are way too easy. Zelda PH is an average game, which is quite mediocre for Nintendo standard, especially for Zelda. I am really disappointed by it. I rated it 3/10.

That seems to be the trend with Zelda: make it easier and easier. OTOH, maybe it's just that those of us who have been playing Zelda forever know all its tricks. I watched a friend of mine play Wind Waker who'd not played much Gamecube before and no N64, and you'd think it was the hardest game in the universe.
That seems to be the trend with Zelda: make it easier and easier.

I do not like that trend. They need to get off their lazy butt and give us the second quest that’s design for long time fans.

OTOH, maybe it's just that those of us who have been playing Zelda forever know all its tricks.

Well Phantom Hourglass has the chance to bring up new tricks for those of us that have been playing Zelda forever. Instead you get some of the worst and tedious puzzles that make used of the stylus. Its like the developer don't know how to make good puzzles that take advantage of the stylus or just don't care.

Also having the Wind Waker legacy, PH has a lot of water to cover and not very interesting.

Its saving grace probably the multiplayer mode and technically its very solid.