Instead of pointing out how much money he's wasted, why not better inform him about all those tripple A+ titles that not only look and run better than all of those multiplatform titles, but also happen to be exclusive to the game console he bought?
He knows about exclusives, he just doesn't care for Uncharted, Killzone, Little Big Planet, etc. Surprised? Don't be, sales figures of PS3 exclusives should make it fairly clear that people prefer other games more. There are people out there that don't buy games based whether or not they are exclusive, and actually buy them because they want them. I know, quite the novel concept on forums
In this case I would recommend your niece not to get a console at all, but stick to a DS. You're defining types of users that I simply don't know any of.
She didn't ask for a DS, she asked me if she should get a PS3 or 360. She may be young, but the little ones are savvy nowadays.
You're generally doing anyone a disservice by even suggesting the arcade 360, but sure. Reliability and general multimedia capabilities (let's say the client will get an HDTV down the road), the PS3 is the better bet.
The 360 Arcade is the gaming bargain of the decade, just add a 20gb hdd for $28 from ebay, and for around $240 you are in business. Nothing compares, but again that is just IMHO and hence subjective.
I'll reword a summary so maybe y'all will get it a bit better. The thread title is "You don't own a PS3, Why?". Regarding not getting a PS3 someone had posted "I just don't get it". *That* is what I initially responded to, and as usual I'm left to defend myself for days. But if you want it in a format that is maybe less confusing then here:
Why would someone not buy a PS3? Because:
- Some people are not brand loyal, they just want to play games and nothing more.
- Some people buy games not because of what platform they are on, but because they just want to play what they want to play.
- Some people find zero value in everything else the consoles offer outside of gaming.
- The best multi platform games are not on PS3 and they will be mostly buying multi plat games.
- Therefore for those people, buying a PS3 makes no sense even if their prices were the same, and is would be ridiculous given that their prices are not.
I'm sure you all have your reasons for why you bought a PS3, etc, etc, as I do for having bought mine. But this thread is for why someone would not buy one. One guy was really confused why someone would ever consider skipping PS3 so I tried to make it clear.