"You all look alike to me"!!!!!!

kyleb said:
Joe DeFuria said:
Oh, Michael Moore has more or less turned taking quotes / snippets out of context into an art form all it's own.

are you alleging that Moore's presentation of the Heston interview is deceptive? do you have any evedence to support that claim, or is that just an unsubstantiated opinion?

A friend of mine pointed out an interesting fact after seeing the movie, the time showed on the clock in the background was jumping back and forth a lot during that interview.

Of course, there can be many legit reasons for this, but it does make one wonder.

One thing that was deceptive about that part of the movie (Heston and NRA) was how he portrayed the NRA meeting taking place in Columbine, which was actually photo from another RIAA meeting in another town.
(The speech Heston had on the tape was not what he said in C.)

NOTE: I'm not defending the NRA, but rather pointing out a misrepresentation and an interesting fact.
MrGaribaldi said:
kyleb said:
Joe DeFuria said:
Oh, Michael Moore has more or less turned taking quotes / snippets out of context into an art form all it's own.

are you alleging that Moore's presentation of the Heston interview is deceptive? do you have any evedence to support that claim, or is that just an unsubstantiated opinion?

A friend of mine pointed out an interesting fact after seeing the movie, the time showed on the clock in the background was jumping back and forth a lot during that interview.

Of course, there can be many legit reasons for this, but it does make one wonder.

One thing that was deceptive about that part of the movie (Heston and NRA) was how he portrayed the NRA meeting taking place in Columbine, which was actually photo from another RIAA meeting in another town.
(The speech Heston had on the tape was not what he said in C.)

NOTE: I'm not defending the NRA, but rather pointing out a misrepresentation and an interesting fact.
I dont remember what news show had an accurate depiction of the truths of that movie. But it was not flattering. Apperantly MM took many liberties and quite honestly fabricate many parts of the movie. Ill try finding you a link to the show. Im not sure if it was 60 minutes or not. might take some time.

Oh Jesus, here we go again with the denial of michael moore's falsehoods.


Here is an excellent website addressing the mounting fallacious Moore pushed as facts in B4C.

As i tried to point out to Kyleb before Moore lied wrt much of the information in his mock-documentary.


here is an excellent link providing Moore's hackjob on Heston's speach


Here is reference to one of the practices you are were suggesting

Fact: Heston's "cold dead hands" speech, which leads off Moore's depiction of the Denver meeting, was not given at Denver after Columbine. It was given a year later in Charlotte, North Carolina, and was his gesture of gratitude upon his being given a handmade musket, at that annual meeting.

Here again is a definition of the word lie:

lie2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (l)
A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.
Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.
MrGaribaldi said:
A friend of mine pointed out an interesting fact after seeing the movie, the time showed on the clock in the background was jumping back and forth a lot during that interview.

Of course, there can be many legit reasons for this, but it does make one wonder.

i just watched the interview, there is no jumping back and forth. when you can see the minute and/or hour hand on the clock they read:


maybe you should rent the movie and see for yourself as well as show your freind he is wrong. ;)
Joe DeFuria said:
kyleb said:
are you alleging that Moore's presentation of the Heston interview is deceptive?

"Deceptive" doesn't even begin to describe it.

so again i ask; do you have any evedence to support that claim, or is that just an unsubstantiated opinion?

oh and please understand that i simply want to get to the meat of the argument on the interview first, i would be happy to discuss the other heston/nra footage later but want to handle this one issue at a time in order to avoid confusion.
Legion talks about the speech, not the interview. i'm asking you about your comments on the interview; again, do you have any evedence to support your claim?
kyleb said:
Legion talks about the speech, not the interview. i'm asking you about your comments on the interview; again, do you have any evedence to support your claim?

Obviously then, you DIDN'T read the entirety of the links Legion provided then.
i read section 2. part c. which is what deals with the Heston interview. if you think there is an argument with a factual basis to back your claim, then please be so kind as to point it out here.
kyleb said:
Legion talks about the speech, not the interview. i'm asking you about your comments on the interview; again, do you have any evedence to support your claim?

I am thinking there may be confused two different interviews.
Legion said:
kyleb said:
Legion talks about the speech, not the interview. i'm asking you about your comments on the interview; again, do you have any evedence to support your claim?

I am thinking there may be confused two different interviews.

there was only one interview with Heston in the movie, nothing to be cofused about.
kyleb said:
Legion said:
kyleb said:
Legion talks about the speech, not the interview. i'm asking you about your comments on the interview; again, do you have any evedence to support your claim?

I am thinking there may be confused two different interviews.

there was only one interview with Heston in the movie, nothing to be cofused about.

I believe the incident they are refering to is from a totally different movie. I believe it was Roger & Me.
Legion said:
John Reynolds said:
Joe DeFuria said:
Obviously then, you DIDN'T read the entirety of the links Legion provided then.

You mean that conservative link that obviously has an agenda?

Which adequately refutes his arguments across the board?

No, Legion, you missed my point. I'm not going to look at the veracity of what's written. . .I'm just going to label it. You see, once an article or argument is labelled as something diametrically opposite my own partisan leanings, it's immediately disqualified. I won't try to refute its points because that's entirely unnecessary once I've labelled it. But then I will provide links and demand you argue each point they address down to the semantics of individual words used. If you don't, you're a hypocrite.

P.S. None of this post is directed at you.
No, Legion, you missed my point. I'm not going to look at the veracity of what's written. . .I'm just going to label it. You see, once an article or argument is labelled as something diametrically opposite my own partisan leanings, it's immediately disqualified.


I won't try to refute its points because that's entirely unnecessary once I've labelled it. But then I will provide links and demand you argue each point they address down to the semantics of individual words used. If you don't, you're a hypocrite.

P.S. None of this post is directed at you.

I should hope it isn't directed at me. I listened to both sides of the story before i came to the conclusion Moore lied.
Given the damming nature of "Bowling" you'd think it would be easy to make a slander lawsuit stick if it was all lies. Yet that hasn't happened.
