jvd said:
...sony and nintendo will all have thier exclusives but the one it hurts the most is sony as they are the ones with the lowest quality in house dev teams .
Sony has Polyphony Digital, Insomniac, Naughty Dogs, Team Soho, Evolution Studios, Cambridge Studios, 989 Studios, SCEI, there's also the new founded Team Bondi, we can also count the exclusive publishing conctract with Guerilla...
And they are all far from being "low quality/No name" developers (especially PD, ND, Insomniac, SCEI).
MS OTOH, has Bungie, Digital Anvil, Rare, MSG and we can count Epic Games( exclusive publishing contract).
Bizarre creation, PAM, Lionhead, Digital Illusion CE (Dice) are not MS in-house dev team.
Sure it all boils down to personal tastes when it comes to choose which games are "better" than others, but saying Sony has the lowest quality in-house dev team is "streching it" a little, IMHO.

edit:And on an economical (sales) point of view (the most important) Sony in-house dev team are doing very well.