This is a critical piece of work done by Matthew Ball and there is a really long slide deck with 100 slides of analysis. It is absolutely worth reading through.
I personally agreed with a lot that he wrote about. And I hope the information provided there gives you some real answers why Platform holders and costs are the way that they are
I just want to be clear, when we think about "why" platforms make decisions, this is the type of data being used to help guide those decisions.
Post your favourite slides that speak out to you.

I personally agreed with a lot that he wrote about. And I hope the information provided there gives you some real answers why Platform holders and costs are the way that they are
I just want to be clear, when we think about "why" platforms make decisions, this is the type of data being used to help guide those decisions.
Post your favourite slides that speak out to you.

PRESENTATION: The State of Video Gaming in 2025 —
A 225-page presentation on the past, present and potential future of the video game industry.

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