XenForo 2 Problems and Feature Requests

Just as SlmDnk, font size is tiny and non-adjustable. Using browser zoom function.:eek:

Also, I can't select after these emoji, either via cursor keys or clicking the browser after them. I can shift-right which selects them ☠️👏 and then type after. And then I can scroll past.

Test again, new emoji I'm guessing I can't scroll past.

😴😛 🎬

Okay, emoji inserted via Windows - '.' work as letter. Smilies inserted via the forum have issues.
Also, I can't select after these emoji, either via cursor keys or clicking the browser after them. I can shift-right which selects them ☠️👏 and then type after. And then I can scroll past.

Test again, new emoji I'm guessing I can't scroll past.
Which browser are you using? This doesn't appear to be on thing with Safari on macOS,

Also, I can't select after these emoji, either via cursor keys or clicking the browser after them. I can shift-right which selects them ☠️👏 and then type after. And then I can scroll past.

Test again, new emoji I'm guessing I can't scroll past.

😴😛 🎬

Okay, emoji inserted via Windows - '.' work as letter. Smilies inserted via the forum have issues

Hmmm... You mean select / hilight the text after an emoji? Or position the cursor after an emoji?

It seems to be functional for me using Chrome on Android Tablet even when using the forum dropdown smilies list to post them. I use the WYSIWYG quick reply window for the forum.

I'll try things out later today when I get back to a PC.
Yep, looks like I've broken the font size preference thingy. I'll look at that. I'll also have a look at making the content fill the viewport a bit more (I didn't spot that one during testing because I only use my browers on one half of my display, in 8:9), and see if I can get the posts-per-page add-on to do more than 20.
The rich text editor toolbar buttons can also be adjusted. I think it now has all of the functionality, but let us know if there's something missing that you're used to having.
Which browser are you using? This doesn't appear to be on thing with Safari on macOS,

Hmmm... You mean select / hilight the text after an emoji? Or position the cursor after an emoji?
Both. If I insert a Smilie from the toolbar, I cannot navigate to the right of it either with the mouse or cursor keys. However, if I hold Shift to select it, I can select the Smilies and then navigate to the right of them. After that, if I type so there is text after them, I can navigate freely.


Well, it's inconsistent. Just tried a few without trouble. However, the below scream Smilie is 'dead' and I cannot navigate to the right of it.


Both. If I insert a Smilie from the toolbar, I cannot navigate to the right of it either with the mouse or cursor keys. However, if I hold Shift to select it, I can select the Smilies and then navigate to the right of them. After that, if I type so there is text after them, I can navigate freely.


Well, it's inconsistent. Just tried a few without trouble. However, the below scream Smilie is 'dead' and I cannot navigate to the right of it.


Maybe something with Firefox. The Chromium based Edge and Edge Dev didn't show that behavior oddity for me.

Will try out Firefox when I get a chance to see why it's wonky / janky.
What, the classic B3D emoticons are gone? 😭 No more :mrgreen: etc.? ARGH

So all the old messages that used them show nothing?
more feedback: quick reply editor doesnt highlight selected text so if you type something and press ctrl a on windows, it looks like nothing happened

quotes are a bit too hard to discern from the containing post since the are in same font and style
Not sure if this is something that can be changed, but the forum "chain" (argh, my brain doesn't want to think of the proper term) only goes to the parent subforum and not all the way to the home forum. For example, this thread has at the top and bottom:
  • Site Forums > Site Feedback >
Instead of what I'm used to:
  • Home > Site Forums > Site Feedback >
It's a small thing but it makes is just a tad bit easier to navigate across the entire forum rather than just within a sub forum. I know I can scroll back to the top of the page to click on Forum way at the top, but it's nice to be able to just go back to the main forum when you get to the bottom of a thread by clicking the appropriate link in the forum "chain".
