Xbox2 cpu performance?

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Qroach said:
I don't know about some here, but I certianly won't expect a 1 Tflop processor in PS3. They aren't going to be giving everyone a super computer for $400 american.
Oh, I agree, but there's to be something in between the TFLOP mark and "PS3 to be slower than PS2!!OMG!!!11!!!".

IMO the three next gen systems will sit reasonably close to each other when it comes to hardware. Of course there'll be some differences here and there, and I'd expect PS3 to have a slight advantage here based on the expected release date of the machine and that Sony will be selling it at a (huge?) loss, but I can't imagine anyone looking at Xenon's games and going "ughh, that looks like crap" (other than fanboys, I mean).
Expectation, PS3 cell processor: four Gigaflops (Based on slide which shows "home server" with 4 cells, "home server"= apparently the deluxe version of PS3)

Which is probably why Sony turned to Nvidia to design a powerful gpu.

Consider that slide wrong. IBM has already stated that a cell rack can reach 16 teraflops. Also get ready to eat crow on your PS3 cell estimate.[/quote]
This is first gen Cell people. Don't be shocked if it doesn't turn out to be all that.

The hype never comes true. Ever.

Peak FLOPs are garbage to judge usefulness anyway. Too generic.
Cell is an architecture from fairly low performance to high performance. A 4 GFLOPS Cell chip makes perfect sense giving the infomation publically disclosed.

Its probably the FLOPS rating for a PU without any APUs. The PowerPC PU core will have a 1 FLOP per cycle FPU at 4GHz for 4GFLOPS. It would represent the 'smallest' Cell configuration possible.

The point being with Cell that you can add extra PUs and extra APUs till you get the required FLOPS.

As PS3 Cell is going in a 3D console, it will have a considerable FLOPS rating due to a bunch of APUs. The exact FLOPS rating of the PS3 isn't currently publically disclosed, so I can't say any more.
DeanoC said:
The exact FLOPS rating of the PS3 isn't currently publically disclosed, so I can't say any more.
I definetively set my expectations on the 200+ Gigaflop/s mark with
a one PU + 8 SPUs CPU.
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