Ug Lee said:I am fairly sure that the only 60Hz signal outputted by the PS2 is NTSC. However if there are any PAL60 PS2 games out there (I have seen none) someone please pipe up.
There are plenty of PAL60 games out there. Here are some of those I have played:
Tekken 4
DOA something
Sky odyssey.
...uh, that's the only ones I can remember ATM among the games I have played, but I know there are plenty more...
Slightly OT, but in another tread I claimed that the official name for Pal60 is PAL-M. That's not entirely true. PAL-M does run at 60Hz, but it uses a 3.6MHz color carrier (the frequency usually used by NTSC), while PAL60 uses the 4.4MHz color carrier that standard PAL uses...