good points. Windows is my preferred OS, and my worries stem from the adoption of SteamOS first as a gaming OS and, maybe, over time as a general use OS -which SteamOS can do perfectly-. This might start the erosion of Windows usage, slowly but steadily.I am not sure this is entirely true. I dont think majority of the pople buy windows beoxouse they can play games on it. It is importand factor for many of them but not the primary. Today you can play play games on linux and in some cases better than on windows, but imagine someone going into store and buying a pc or laptop without windows on it.
i think 99% of people dont have any clue how to use linux. And gaming on Mac is just joke. SteamOS didnt convience millions to switch to it.
How does Microsoft make its billions? Microsoft revenue breakdown 2025
Back in the 90’ Microsoft was only about Windows - the first OS that went on global scale usage, and it was the only usable option for a long time. But over time, when new operating
"However, in 2022 Microsoft revenue from Windows (both OEM and commercial) decreased as percentage from revenue. In the company's annual financial report, it is stated that Windows generated $24,76B in revenue in 2022 which is 12.48% from the total revenue. "
OEM is stil the biggest income source when it comes to windows so if the manufacturers will start ship laptops and pc with SteamOS preinstalled i dont think they need to start worry. The fact that this does not happend today is a clear indication that there is very little demand for that. This may change of cousre, but it would have to go beyond gaming and the shift in consumer preferences to abbandon what they know and jump into completly unkonw OS that the only think they know about is "hard".
Gamers achieved many things through the use of the hardware. i.e. nVidia has been a gaming company from the very start, and their AI revolution started with the tensor cores for gaming; DLSS and stuff. Look where are they know.