Xbox leadership also failed in what Modern Vintage Gamer described, lack of ideas to create something out of the standard, and follow Sony steps, which is an impossible battle.
The OG Xbox and the X360 were two revolutionary consoles. The OG Xbox was a console that mixed the best of PCs -memory, "massive" hard drive storage, installations, custom mp3 music, a great GPU- and the ease of use of a console.
Xbox 360 was revolutionary in that it added a great online service, lots of social features like friends, groups, the gamercards, achievements, live patches, all of them now standard in the industry but back then it was revolutionary.
Also like Modern Vintage Gamer mentioned and that I had forgotten, Xbox Live Arcade, I got games there like Super Street Fighter 2 HD, Castlevania SOTN (which I completed using a gamefaqs guide), shmups like Mushihimesama, and many others. Great games on their own right, which added variety. Sometimes I can't believe how much money I spent on that console.... specially considering that consoles were secondary to me most of my life.