The quality dropped substantially for QLED while remaining pristine for OLED. The QLED based sets have a substantial portion of their IQ from post-processing, while OLED is natuve to the panel.
Some blooming is inevitable in LCDs, and the Samsung Q70R comes with good native contrast so local dimming doesn't add much. Oher reviews do not make such a big deal of it.
From my personal experience, it's a good idea to increase Backlignt intensity to 25 from the default 12, which increases peak brightness (with some negative effect on black levels) and really makes SDR signal come to life.
At least premium LCD TVs use much better VA panels which deliver native 120 Hz without sacrificing colors. Typical 120 Hz gaming monitors exhibit visible errors from LCD panel overdriving, not sure how people can even stand it.I don't know how QLEDs are even mentioned when it comes to gaming
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