Windows 8 and 8.1 was amazing.
Desktop stuff are in classic control panel, tablet stuff are in UWP.
Lots of amazing UX to be used in a tablet.
Then windows 10 kinda try to facilitate both desktop and tablet. Okay...
Then windows 11 completely destroyed the tablet experience and crippled the desktop experience
Absolutely agree. For the last 3 OSes, Windows 8 and 8.1 were by far the best, I even like it every so slightly better than 7. Windows 10 was "OK" but it took a lot of steps backwards from 8/8.1, IMO.
And Windows 11, ugh. Windows 11 is the first time I've been
FORCED to replace the Windows UI since Windows 3.x because the UI is so goddamn awful. Windows explorer while it looks nicer is functionally (in terms of performance and reliability) an absolutely massive step backwards. Like what's up with that abomination that masquerades as an integrated search field?
Edge has also continued to get worse and worse ever since they moved to Chromium. Prior to the move to Chromium I was able to have hundreds of tabs with no issues. Now I start to run into issues with half as many tabs as I used to have open on the non-Chromium Edge. Chromium is just a piece of garbage, IMO.
There was even a handy < and > on the tab bar for the non-Chromium Edge when you had more tabs than your window could display so you could scroll through them. Now? If you open too many tabs for the tab bar to display, your only option to close tabs to get to the ones you just opened. Who's the idiot that thought that was a smart idea?
I don't get this fetish that the new Microsoft under Nadella has of trying to make Windows as non-functional and non-Gates/Ballmer Microsoft as they can. If I wanted that I'd have already moved to MacOS (mostly kidding all of you that love MacOS.

). Windows under Gates and Ballmer may not have been sexy but it was functional and incredibly efficient (in terms of getting work done) for a GUI based OS if you customized it to your needs. And now they are hell bent on removing customizability as making it as non-functional as they can. AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH!