Will Cheaper Software Ease Piracy?

Will Cheaper Software Ease Piracy?

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Personally I don't think cost is really the issue, people pirate software because they don't really need it but its fun to have (Photoshop, 3d studio max etc) or they are just cheap bastards who think all software should be $10.
I think some people pirate it because they can't afford it... :(

Yeah, I know, there are free alternatives, but sometimes, there aren't...
nothing can be cheap enough for me

of course, look at Photoshop ... it's way to expensive for the casual user - thus creating a black market demand - if photoshop wasn't so expensive I'd own a copy.
laughterkillsme said:
of course, look at Photoshop ... it's way to expensive for the casual user - thus creating a black market demand - if photoshop wasn't so expensive I'd own a copy.
GIMP works pretty damn well and its free.
it wont stop piracy but it will help reduce it .

IF you can get a dvd movie for 10$ instead of 20$ and if you can get a new release for 30$ instead of 55$ alot of people will buy them.

Notice how no one is pirating the cheap games or the cheap dvds ?
RussSchultz said:
laughterkillsme said:
of course, look at Photoshop ... it's way to expensive for the casual user - thus creating a black market demand - if photoshop wasn't so expensive I'd own a copy.
GIMP works pretty damn well and its free.

It does but it's not PhotoShop and (I'm 99% certain) never will be.
jvd said:
Notice how no one is pirating the cheap games or the cheap dvds ?

Really? Do a simple search on DC++ and you'll see all the cheap games and movies available just like the more expensive titles.
who wants to create a business out of advocation the tie in of games and adverts? -

I know UGH

but that way you have free and $$$

Imagine how much would MR DOOM III drinking some unknown (at the moment) drink that wants to gain market share for power ups!

Now that could be worth millions $$$ in advertising, add some other items, and you will have games littered with products from real life...

Release the game for free, assuming it has real and good gameplay, eventually people will not mind it in the same way you do not mind the posters on football matches, and even less than adverts on the TV ( assuming that the adverts like these only run while new level is loading)...

and voila... all we need is an agency making ties between game developers and "real" product makers, and voila... $$$ and free games.

I am sure that few million copies of a game sold would make up for a substanitial advertising revenue stream.