Wii will rock you: How Nintendo's Wii is beating out Sony and Microsoft

Why not? lets not look at gfx for a moment and focus on the controlls. For MGS you could use the remote to aim and just use the buttons/analoge stick for all the other things just as you would with your ps3 controller. For racing games you can just tilt the controller. If you've ever played exite truck you know its extremely responsive and accurate.
Lets just say that I find MGS with it's control scheme of 12 buttons and two analog sticks to be better suited for the job. Guess it's a matter of convinience for me. The controller would be more accurate and easier for all the tasks/actions featured in such games. And the best part, after a long day at work, all I need is to move my fingers and thumbs - not my entire arm to get it right.

Now, if we're speaking party games, I'd obviously take the Wii over traditional controllers...
How do you know that if there isnt a game like MGS for Wii? Also, your comment about not wanting to move your whole arm, apparently you never played a game like red steel or zelda as it only takes very small wrist movements to move the cursor around the screen. Its probably just as tiring as moving your thumb.

Before making judgments, maybe you should wait until there is a MGS-style game on the Wii no? And as t_o_c said, you should give Excite Truck a try. Racing games are made for the Wii controller. Just turn it on its side and steer. :)
How do you know that if there isnt a game like MGS for Wii? Also, your comment about not wanting to move your whole arm, apparently you never played a game like red steel or zelda as it only takes very small wrist movements to move the cursor around the screen. Its probably just as tiring as moving your thumb.

These kind of posts make me laugh sometimes..

It's not the issue of wrist movement but more of an issue of having to move your whole arm to aim 100% of the time.. I'd like to see you try and play Red Steel with your arm rested on your lap and only rotating your wrist, definitely not the kind of accuracy the controller (or the game for that matter) was mean't for (not that Red Steels' aiming accuracy is any good anyways.. I found it cumbersome and broken for the most part)..

I agree with Phil to be honest in that i'm used to spending most of my gaming time (which isn't much nowadays what with juggling work, a girlfriend and developing an XNA game) either playing at 6:00am before I get ready for work in the morning or verey late in the evening where on both occasions i'm not at my best and really don't care for "active gaming".. If I can slouche in my chair, rest my gamepad on my lap and with the absolute minimum amount of effort, play and enjoy so rich and engaging games then that's what i'll be dealing with 90% of the time.. If I ever did get a Wii it would probably be something i'd only play on occasions where I was entertaining guests or at least during the weekend with a couple of friends round (or my girlfriend) since energy expenditure wouldn't be an issue..

Call me a lazy gamer sure!! It's probably true!! But I work too hard already and don't want to "work" even more as soon as I pick up a controller during my "leisure/rest time"..


Before making judgments, maybe you should wait until there is a MGS-style game on the Wii no? And as t_o_c said, you should give Excite Truck a try. Racing games are made for the Wii controller. Just turn it on its side and steer. :)

Actually racing games are made for steering wheels most of them.. ;)
Dear all,

first i wanna present myself 'cause this is the first time i directly post over B3D forum. I'm an oldie italian player (try to guess what 78 means in my tag), i'm a programmer and an ex-rally pilot's son. I own all consoles systems up to date (starting from Zx Sinclair Spectrum 48k), handhelds included, so i can imagine myself as quite competent on this argument.

I just wanna to point you that Nintendo is having a huge profit due to the gba - ds - wii combo. I remember when the Ds came out, Nintendo specifically pointed out that the new hardware were not intended to take the place of the ultraseller-gba but that was a parallel project. Now i can assume that if it worked for the handelds, no-one can stop 'em to do it even in the home console field.
Whenever they decide it's the right moment, they can push out from their cylinders a more-likely-hardcore project without changing their "touch-move generation".

All this to remember you that they can (and i underline CAN, that is NOT must or should words ) throw out something much more tech-graphics-whore without even crossing the wii road.
It's not the issue of wrist movement but more of an issue of having to move your whole arm to aim 100% of the time.. I'd like to see you try and play Red Steel with your arm rested on your lap and only rotating your wrist, definitely not the kind of accuracy the controller (or the game for that matter) was mean't for (not that Red Steels' aiming accuracy is any good anyways.. I found it cumbersome and broken for the most part)..

Well I think you are doing something wrong because I played Red steel with my nunchuck in my hand resting on the left side of the couch while the remote and my hand rested on the right side of the couch (not the high part, but the part you sit on) and I could controll the game perfectly that way. Only had to move my wirst a bit to aim. The only problem with RS controlls are that it sometimes just flips and doesnt want to do what you want anymore but if it works, it works fine IMO. Better than analoge sticks I think atleast as far as FPS goes.

Its bollocks that every Wii games requires you to raise your arm aiming at the screen or swinging like a idiot and anybody who tries to claim otherwise obviously never played anything other than Wii sports or more than 5 minutes of a other game.
If I ever did get a Wii it would probably be something i'd only play on occasions where I was entertaining guests or at least during the weekend with a couple of friends round (or my girlfriend) since energy expenditure wouldn't be an issue..

Call me a lazy gamer sure!! It's probably true!! But I work too hard already and don't want to "work" even more as soon as I pick up a controller during my "leisure/rest time"..

I am a lazy gamer and I have a Wii with Red Steel and the game works perfectly well my arm resting on my leg. It does not take whole arm movements to use the wii-mote to aim. I am not sure where people are getting the notion that it takes a lot of energy to play the Wii.

The good thing about it though is that you can if you wish use a lot of arm motions or use very minimal motions. It is up to the gamer.
I am a lazy gamer and I have a Wii with Red Steel and the game works perfectly well my arm resting on my leg. It does not take whole arm movements to use the wii-mote to aim. I am not sure where people are getting the notion that it takes a lot of energy to play the Wii.

The good thing about it though is that you can if you wish use a lot of arm motions or use very minimal motions. It is up to the gamer.

They get it from the commercials and a lot of new gamers who think they have to play that way in order to get the game to work. Granted many of them spazz out, but it isn't required. hehe.

However, it can be said that part of the fun is spazzing out. :)
Dear all,

first i wanna present myself 'cause this is the first time i directly post over B3D forum. I'm an oldie italian player (try to guess what 78 means in my tag), i'm a programmer and an ex-rally pilot's son. I own all consoles systems up to date (starting from Zx Sinclair Spectrum 48k), handhelds included, so i can imagine myself as quite competent on this argument.

I just wanna to point you that Nintendo is having a huge profit due to the gba - ds - wii combo. I remember when the Ds came out, Nintendo specifically pointed out that the new hardware were not intended to take the place of the ultraseller-gba but that was a parallel project. Now i can assume that if it worked for the handelds, no-one can stop 'em to do it even in the home console field.
Whenever they decide it's the right moment, they can push out from their cylinders a more-likely-hardcore project without changing their "touch-move generation".

All this to remember you that they can (and i underline CAN, that is NOT must or should words ) throw out something much more tech-graphics-whore without even crossing the wii road.

Is that really the case? There have been talks of GBA2 for ages, but nothing has ever materialized of it. I just imagine they are making money hand over fist and are no longer interested in the multiple lines idea.
Is that really the case? There have been talks of GBA2 for ages, but nothing has ever materialized of it. I just imagine they are making money hand over fist and are no longer interested in the multiple lines idea.

The idea that is running here 'n' there in mi mind is this :

Ds starts as an experiment....and the results are under the eyes of everyone....ultra-positive and profit-wise.

Now they've tried to do the same experiment in the home console with the Wii.....and it's not going bad as we can see.
Once they'll re-take the good position with the third parties (SNES era), they CAN (and i rollback to my first post for the meaning of that CAN) try with all the profits earned with the projects just mentioned to do the big bang.......and try to overpower the competitors.

My dream (as a player) is to see something like the "Nintendo ON" fake in the future.....and it'll match their philosophy and all the research they done for the motion sensing. But this is only a my dream. ;)
They get it from the commercials and a lot of new gamers who think they have to play that way in order to get the game to work. Granted many of them spazz out, but it isn't required. hehe.

However, it can be said that part of the fun is spazzing out. :)

Not so fun if you swing the controller attached to the baseball bat-like peripheral into a ancient chinese Ming or in a fine crystal miniature...or in the face of a your parent that came to tell you that dinner is on the table :LOL:

If people never started to play in that way i suppose we never heard about broken tvs ;)
No it will go like ghost in the shell. The nintendo ON will connect directly to your cyberbrain and you'll dive in. You'll feel like you are actually moving but your body will just be sitting on the couch.
No it will go like ghost in the shell. The nintendo ON will connect directly to your cyberbrain and you'll dive in. You'll feel like you are actually moving but your body will just be sitting on the couch.

I told you...it's only a my dream....and i was talking without sarcasm ;)
If you completely delete from that fake the part of the step recognization ( really not suitable for a home entertainment console for obiouvsly reasons) and you add something like the wii-mote in the hands.....it'll be not so impossible.
But still remains a my dream.
No it will go like ghost in the shell. The nintendo ON will connect directly to your cyberbrain and you'll dive in. You'll feel like you are actually moving but your body will just be sitting on the couch.

I don't know about the Nintendo On. I mean, it sounds cool, but I just don't like the idea of wearing something on my head to block my vision of other things that go on around me. Imagine how hot it would be to wear that thing over your head in the summer.

And most important of all, I don't want to look like this:

No it will go like ghost in the shell. The nintendo ON will connect directly to your cyberbrain and you'll dive in. You'll feel like you are actually moving but your body will just be sitting on the couch.

You will not be able to sense anything surrounding your body. Blizzard will make an exception and finally release WoW on a console, millions across the world will die not wanting to leave the virtual lands of Azeroth.
I don't know about the Nintendo On. I mean, it sounds cool, but I just don't like the idea of wearing something on my head to block my vision of other things that go on around me. Imagine how hot it would be to wear that thing over your head in the summer.

And most important of all, I don't want to look like this:


I just wanna to remember you that were like a pair of sun-glasses.

You never wear sun-glasses in summer cause the hot? I don't think so.

If someone see us playin' with Wii throu a window of our home already think that we are some kind of celebral-less people :LOL: (expecially if the subjects are near 30 ;) ) so i really can't see the problem about it.

I still hope as a player to see one day or another a system like that fake from the first time i tried a VR game (were a flight sim) in a game hall in a summer vacancy place.
I hope the Wiis profitability doesn't coax Sony and MS to do the same next gen. I personally like taking their money on hardware, and im very much about the high end gfx and upper echelon big money games.

If that niche isn't filled b/c a cheap console that makes a lot of money is seen as too viable, well that would be unfortunate for the consumer. No offense to the Wii's games, but in a world where price is not an object I don't think their lineup is really that competitive.