

Why do we have obvious-IHV-biased folks here that hate the-other-IHV-biased folks here when we have employees from competing IHV companies usually getting along so well with each other, whether via Net/email or social gatherings?

Is it because such obvious-IHV-biased folks here are immature kids while the IHV employees realize what they're doing is a way of simply make a living?

Conversely, we have IHV employees on forums (almost) attacking a competitor/competitor's product(s) but they also usually give the ole reach-around to employess of a competitor when they meet?

Will we all hate each other on the Net (via forum/email) over some matter, never having met each other, but will undoubtedly go "Yo Rev, I'd been blasting you in the forums all the time because you love 3dfx so much while I hate 3dfx, but why don't we just grab some beer together and talk dirty?" when we eventually meet?

Is this sickening, or is this simply a description of all these folks that is known as "geeks" (i.e "get a life, dude" kinda kids)?
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It's both professionalism and having to work for a company; anything they say will be scrutinized ;)
I think it really comes down to gamers not really knowing a company as well as an employee does. It's a lot harder for an employee to be blind to the faults of a company when they have to deal with the companies bad decisions, corruption, egotism, laziness, greed, etc, on a day to day basis. Gamers can craft the company into some ideal to help justify the large amount of money that they've invested to have a computer better than the rest of their geeky friends.

Personally I think it's all about penis size.
epicstruggle said:
Its not so much that water is wet as that water likes to cling to stuff it touches.


That's high surface tension. But I agree, there is a point to ask. Not asking has never solved anything.
Reverend said:
Is it because such obvious-IHV-biased folks here are immature kids while the IHV employees realize what they're doing is a way of simply make a living?
Interesting theory, but I disagree...

I think it's more akin that there is a more common philosophy with those that work for hardware companies/IHV's... it's what draws certain kinds of "techno-savvy" and "future interested" individuals to them. Well, at least the ones that are longer term in the industry.

IHV-fans, on the other hand, are more like sports fans. It doesn't matter if their team is beaten badly, they'll still trump the superiority of their precious target of fandom. In discussions of technology and objectivity/science, this causes a fray amongst the technology enthusiasts and simple fans. It doesn't matter how many stats, passed yards, interceptions and whatnot you bring forth to a fan- you simply cannot convince them their team is no longer superior.

So, it's just a case of science and objectivity has no room for fans... and fans have no room for science and objectivity. The war rages on!
John Reynolds said:
Why this thread? It's akin to asking why water is wet.
"It's akin to asking..." or "It's like asking..." ?

Who created that useless word "akin" anyway, and why do we use it?
Because it has kinship to a simile, metaphorically speaking, without quite being like it.

It's also an answer to a question in Arkansas --"Who do you have to take in when they show up at your door?"