Why they Hate America

Also I dont think US and Israel are comparable and sharing the same values. I dont remenber US doing any large land invasion or settlements.

I think US try to spread its model around the world. I personally think most part of the model is right, but the way it is done (the spread) sometimes is wrong.

I have been around the world and I dont see any reason to europeans been jealous about US. As I said before I think some europeans are just dissapointed and this feeling is really confusing.

What I find interresting is how US want the world public opinion approval and recognition. To be respected because you have money and power is not the same as be respected because you have and exercise good values. The true challenge is be the moral leader of this world.
pascal said:
What I find interresting is how US want the world public opinion approval and recognition.


We seem to be getting heavy criticism precisely because it seems we "don't care" about world public opinion or approval. And personally, I DON'T REALLY CARE what the public opinion of the U.S. is. And if I had to guess, nor does Bush. He cares, as I do, about doing what he thinks is morally right.

To be respected because you have money and power is not the same as be respected because you have and exercise good values.

Agreed. However, to assume that one does not have good values because one has money and power is the heart of the problem, IMO.

The true challenge is be the moral leader of this world.

Agreed. Unfortunately, your idea of "morals" is apparently different than mine or Bush's. So while you probably see him as a failure in that respect, I see him as a success.
To me this article speaks to 1 thing; People (haters) love to blame others for their short comings. That is a fundamental issue and speaks to human nature. The biggest easiest target to blame is the US, so that's what terrorists love to do. However, lots of Americans use that avoid acknowledging that there maybe some truth to the some of the things that are said against them. It is simply easier to believe that either you are a victim of a soulless opressor or that your government exerts its will in global events for purely altruistic reasons.
Joe DeFuria said:
pascal said:
What started first?

Are you really going to try and start a "who started it" debate? :rolleyes:
No please dont :LOL:

Joe DeFuria said:
Selective information? Well, Catholic, Protestants and others preach "peace" too. I am catholic and I believe there are many Christian fundamentalist in US. In fact IIRC the US Christian fundamenlist support Israel.

The point is the double standard is in many places and religions but with governments things are different.

Joe DeFuria said:
The undenyable facts is that the settlements continue

And threats and actions against Israel's right to exist continue...
Then two wrongs makes one right?

Joe DeFuria said:
and US administration say that they not agree with it. What many are waiting are actions more than words.

Right. EVERYONE want's the U.S. actions to occur...as long as they coincide with their own view, right? But when the U.S. does something that they don't agree with...the U.S. should "stay out of it and not take sides" Typical.

I was hoping this thread wouldn't degrade to an Isreal debate. :rolleyes:
Focus on the double standard. In one hand you say "please kid dont do that" on the other hand you give all money to the kid continue its actions?

Joe DeFuria said:
Also remenber the difference between the Islam and the Islamic Jihad.

No kidding. That's my point, Pascal. Selective or other forms of misinformation lead to unjustifiably biased viewpoints.
Now we have to agree about what is misinformation.

Joe DeFuria said:

In other words, do you believe the Iraq Information Ministry has been saying anything but lies since the war began?
Off course not.
pascal said:
Also I dont think US and Israel are comparable and sharing the same values. I dont remenber US doing any large land invasion or settlements.
We're the king of that, baby.

Just ask the Cherokees, or the Pawnees, or the Apaches, or the ....

There's a whole lists of 'ees' that we've forcefully land grabbed from.

I personally think that the US/UN should stop protecting Israel in the way that it does. There should be a forced division of states, with a UN peacekeeping presence to enforce it. The "settlements" should be abandoned, and any military threats to Israel should be dealt with by threat of the superior might of the US or UN.

Once everybody over there hates us, they'll stop hating each other. ;)
Joe DeFuria said:
And Israel hates "Arabs" because of their continued acts of suicide bombings?

Israel uses Apache helicopters to bomb Palestinian civilians, the Palestinians use suicide bombs. When you look at the end results; they both kill civilians, the only deferens is that it is Israeli government who bombs Palestinian civilians, but a limited group of fanatics that bomb Israeli civilians.

Key being they see us as having a double standard. We can see ANYONE with a double standard. I can say that "Muslims" have a double standard because on one hand, they say they preach "peace" and on the other hand, call for "Jihad".

You realize that this is exactly what the USA does at the moment, going to war in the name of peace. The fact that Israel breaks hundreds of UN resolutions including resolutions 687 that prohibit weapons of mass destruction in the middle east, bombs civilian targets (they have killed around three time as many Palestinian civilians as Islamic extremists has killed Israeli civilians), the reaction form George W. Bush is declare that the convicted war criminal Sharon is “a man of peaceâ€￾.

Does that make it a real double standard? Or a double standard based on misinformation or "selective" information?

It is a real double standard, no doubt about it.

The article is not about simple appearances.

I know, the article is all about camouflaging a simplistic nationalistic message and unbased attacks on Europe and Arabs, as being intelligent and well based by long words and quotes from great (and not so great) thinkers.
Also I dont think US and Israel are comparable and sharing the same values. I dont remenber US doing any large land invasion or settlements.

But do you see why certain people around the world will believe that the US and Israel = the same?

There are plenty of reasons to hate .. major one being that hate is easy to do.

And Joe the suiciding bombings are bad, evil, self-defeating but when you are doing the same thing from the safety of a tank, rather than with Semtex strapped to your abdomen, it becomes even more cowardly and easier IMHO.

There are two faces to every coin - one does not exist without the other. We may take sides we may understand one party better than the other but sometimes things are indeed black and white. Murder is murder except in war when it is acceptable and necessary... see? Bulldozing someones home, making them destroy their own livelihoods, not allowing them to travel and removing their human rights is acceptable for the progression of 'settlements' and to stop 'terrorism' (with terrorism).
The 'Axis of Evil' - it is time the US put Israel there too... :rolleyes:

What's my view? Both are not acceptable and should be ceased immediately. How many times has the US Veto'd resolutions it SOLELY did not agree with concerning Israel? What of the International law and the 10's of Resolutions against Israel? It sound slightly contradicting when my Ministers in Britain go on about how we should uphold International Law when it suits 'our' political agenda's but not when it doesn't. That is the moral highground I speak of.

One man's hero is another mans war criminal. :rolleyes:

It is easy for you to come up with examples tit-for-tat and easy for me to do the same as I have just done so. Unfortunately none provide a solution or a way forward. They just provide more bait for hatred to develop.

Edit.. stuff
OK, thanks Russ and thanks Tim.

You put it much more simply than I did in one sentence each. :D

Pascal, thanks your a bro'. 8)

And Joe.. thanks too for being civil at least. ;)
AAAAAARRRRRGH!!! 1 1/2 hours of typing just went down the drain thanks to session timeout. GRRRRR!

Ok, here's the whole thing in a nutshell:

Are you implying though, America's success and freedom is gained mostly or exclusively at the expense of others?

No, i don't think so. You had a huge landmass with a lot of natural resources at your disposal so you could concentrate on yourself for a long time. From what i remember from my history lessons the USA have been a self centered nation for a long time. That only changed when you could be threatened by military forces from abroad. (Correct me if i'm wrong)

Or is it that others just being "left behind" because their own policies or drive doesn't lead to their own success?

... or maybe because they just started to persue these goals a lot later than you did.

I think it all boils down to the way we perceive other nations. (I mostly talk about the german view here because that's what i'm most familiar with.) The USA is a nation we've been looking up to because of its radiating example of a stable democracy and free society although we never believed we should follow every trend from over there. Then again what we knew about the USA came from TV and other media, not from real live experience. I remeber a light feeling of disappointment when i found out that you didn't really live up to your own hype, that what we thought was America in fact was some of the extremes in the west coast cities. However this didn't cause me to sway to the opposite point of view that everything american is bad.
I remember reading a very intersting article written by an american who lived in germany for along time. He tried to explore the reasons behind the recent disharmonies between germans and US americans. He arrived at the conclusion that the roots of the problem lie in the success of the attempted social engineering of the allied forces after WWII. In an attempt to avoid the creation of another aggressive german totalitarian state they were too successful in teaching us to be anti-militaristic, anti-racist and anti-elitist. The nowadays consequences are a climate of being anti-anything, unwillingness to committ to a cause and unability to deal with the pressing problems of the near futere in a reasonable way. And the conclusion that something needs to be done about this fast or the consequences will be disastrous. Sadly, i don't have a link to an english version.
A major issue is the last presidential election in the USA, BTW. A common perception is that Bush is president although he did't actually win the election (perception, remember, not (necessarily) fact). By fighting the issue through in the courts instead of having another election run immediately he has (unknowingly) opened a whole can of worms in a large part in the rest of the wolrd. A sometimes encounterd point of view is that if the leading example of democracy doesn't honor its values what's the worth of democracy in itself? Blame it on the media, blame it on us being stupid germans, blame it on whatever you deem appropriate, the reputation of democracy has suffered (overproportionally) around the world.

Of course, I wouldn't say that the U.S. is squeaky clean in terms of its road to "success." (Just as with any other country / nation or successful person, for that matter.) I would reject the notion that our success is gained "mostly or exclusively" at the expense of others. Just as I would argue that capitalism in general isn't "the few gaining wealth and power at the expense of the oppressed workers."

The colonial era was not one of europes brightest moments. No ones hands are free of blood if you look in the past far enough. Therefore i'd suggest we abstain from any mud slinging on this account, it won't get us anywhere.

It becomes even more cloudy when you try and define "success". If other's don't value "success" in terms of economic welath / power (but something less tangible such as self-defined spiritual, artistic, or intellectual superiority or "rightness"), then why are others concerned if they are not as "successful" as defined by those terms?

Because they may view a society persuing material wealth as misguided or even evil if it tries to spread its views. They may even regard conquest of this other civilization as 'liberation'. ;)

Not that i believe matters are remotly that simple regarding the current situation.
I've read the first article now.
As an answer to the topic question or its own headline, I wouldn't recommend anyone to read it. Why?
It has some valid points, but overall, it's BS*. It talks about me and the people around me, so I should have some saying about that. Its main point that I see is that
a) USA is generally hated
b) this is because people are envious of its economical strength
It's of course possible that some people reason like that, but for all, yes all, people I know, it's simply wrong. It has no connection to the reality I'm living in, and they are talking about my reality.

So, if you read it, please don't draw any conclusions with regards to Europeans based on it.

*I tried to find a prettier equally fitting word, but failed.
The article seeks to re-affirm some very simple points behind all the intellectual eyewash (followed by my opinion):
A) America is the greatest nation on this world (probably true); B) Americans are the chosen people (I doubt it); C) they have a mission to build a new Rome (dangerous thinking); D) their way is the right way (maybe, but neither the only nor the best); E) others are just jealous (only one out of many possible reasons); F) foreigners despise capitalism, wealth and military might in general (I don't think so); G) the rest of the world has had their chance, now its America's turn (yeah right); H) the rest will just have to accept our leadership and bend over, its best for them anyway (not gonna happen so easily); I) beware of politically left individuals, intellectuals, artists and french and arabs in general (trust no one with a mustache!)...

Ok, one after another:

A) Highly subjective. No point in commenting on it.
B) No way. That claim goes to Israel.
C) They may beleive they have to do it before anyone else does. And they may be right. In fact i believe they are.
D) At least it's a very good way materially.
E) See other post
F) Pile of bull droppings. Maybe they hate someone else being better at it or trying to force these things on them.
G) :D
H) Surrender or the Russians will attack... or the Chinese
I) No way leftist folks are bad. At least they care for others (money). Intellectuals are a clear necessity. Who else would give us the next Playstation? Actors are artists and i just love Arnie blowing things up. The arabs. I knew a few arab students and worked with them. They have to be handled with care because they are very proud people, though. But i really liked them. With that out of the way however, let's spend a few lines on the subject of the nefarious eaters of frogs from our neighbouring country! To even have to touch the keyboard to write about those disgusting..., revolting..., ungodly..., satanic..., degenerate caricatures of a shadow of a human being makes me sick to my stomach. They are the anti-thesis of intellect! They are the negation of decency and good taste! They are... the French (urk, even to have to type that name). :LOL:

Personally, i hope to see a unification of France and germany in my lifetime. ;)
Barnabas said:
Personally, i hope to see a unification of France and germany in my lifetime. ;)

Ha. So did Hitler! But I don't think the French would acceed to any unification, unless it was done at the end of their bayonet.
Joe DeFuria said:
pascal said:
What I find interresting is how US want the world public opinion approval and recognition.


We seem to be getting heavy criticism precisely because it seems we "don't care" about world public opinion or approval. And personally, I DON'T REALLY CARE what the public opinion of the U.S. is. And if I had to guess, nor does Bush. He cares, as I do, about doing what he thinks is morally right.
Then why you started a thread like this one?
I think you care and honestlly think the position of some other people is not fair.

Joe DeFuria said:
To be respected because you have money and power is not the same as be respected because you have and exercise good values.

Agreed. However, to assume that one does not have good values because one has money and power is the heart of the problem, IMO.
I dont think anyone really think like that. In fact US has been the best imperialistic nation we ever had in the world history. It has some reasonable self control.

On the other hand US behave like a big Corporate America in a monopolist environment (capitalist talk). What is needed is some good competition and the divided EU, the new China and the reborn Russia *edited* are not capable to do that. Is more like people who complain about Ms.

Joe DeFuria said:
The true challenge is be the moral leader of this world.

Agreed. Unfortunately, your idea of "morals" is apparently different than mine or Bush's. So while you probably see him as a failure in that respect, I see him as a success.
Well Joe, you may share some of his views and give him your support. It is your choice and we have to respect that. Politicians come and go. Please, just separate one thing from another because I dont see it as personal.

To be president of a country is not an easy task, specially with a large country like US and with so many international relations. Bush has some good qualities like be direct. I am not here to say he is a failure but this turbulent world need some agreement and conciliation. IMHO I dont see him as a great conciliator.
Joe DeFuria said:

In other words, do you believe the Iraq Information Ministry has been saying anything but lies since the war began?

:?: :!: Er, this report was lodged by an Australian journalist. I'm not sure why you even brought up the Information Ministry?

I don't think this report's authenticity can be questioned. And the grief caused by this attack (as with all other attacks in this war that have injured or killed civilians) can not be disputed.

What I was trying to highlight by providing that link was a very real situation that has created a very valid reason for someone to hate the US.

Heck, would you like it if a foreign power vaporised your home and members of your family in order to 'liberate' you from your rulers? Even if your country ruled by a nasty piece of work like Saddam?

It's things like this that help you lose your 'war' against terrorism a little bit more every day this invasion drags on...
Joe, my point was that many people are content with liveing a good life and they do not fear us or anyone else for that matter, and the article is bunk.
Joe DeFuria said:

Lol! That's the reason why the scared and insecure little americans wants to be the reason for "anti-americanism". Envy :LOL:
Most people in Western Europe are pretty content thank you very much. Just a heads up. FYI.

The resentment towards Israel's (not "the jews") behaviour need not be explained. Those who owe an explanation are those who don't resent it.
kyleb said:
Joe, my point was that many people are content with liveing a good life and they do not fear us or anyone else for that matter, and the article is bunk.

I don't think so. Many of the themes of the article are very real. It seems to have hit close to home judging by how it reflects many of the responses here. I would agree it is over simplistic and isn't representative for everyone.
I personally think that the US/UN should stop protecting Israel in the way that it does. There should be a forced division of states, with a UN peacekeeping presence to enforce it. The "settlements" should be abandoned, and any military threats to Israel should be dealt with by threat of the superior might of the US or UN.

I'll drink to that (and I can practically guarantee that so would a lot of Europeans) :D
CosmoKramer said:
Joe DeFuria said:

Lol! That's the reason why the scared and insecure little americans wants to be the reason for "anti-americanism". Envy :LOL:
Most people in Western Europe are pretty content thank you very much. Just a heads up. FYI.

Lol, indeed. If that is all you got out of the article, try reading it again.

These Europeans have assigned themselves the self-flattering role of being Athens to our Rome. That's what all the talk about coalition-building is about; the mindless American car dealer with the big guns should allow himself to be guided by the thoughtful European statesman, who is better able to think through the unintended consequences of any action, and to understand the darker complexities. Much European commentary about America since September 11 has had a zoological tone. The American beast did not know that he was vulnerable to attack (we Europeans have long understood this). The American was traumatized by this discovery. The American was overcompensating with an arms build-up that was pointless since, with his gigantisme militaire, he already had more weapons than he could ever need.

Furthermore, the American doesn't see the deeper causes of terrorism, the poverty, the hopelessness. America should really be spending more money on foreign aid (it's interesting that Europeans, who are supposed to be less materialistic than we are, inevitably think more money can solve the world's problems, while Americans tend to point to religion or ideas).

Seems pretty spot on with some of your previous posts.