Hellbinder said:
There has to be a way to create a compression system that would work not based on current limitations..
So, what... it would work based on future limitations instead?
Compression is a trade-off: Typically trading space for time. Sure, you can find a way to compress data further than it is being compressed now, but it ends up slowing down everything else because you're trading off data transfer time for compression time. And, of course, this is unacceptable.
If you or I can think of a scheme that would improve rendering or data speeds on a processor, you can be 99.999999999% certain that someone has already thought of it, discussed it, modeled it, prototyped it, and tested it. The chances of any of us dreaming up a unique refinement at this point is rather small.
has to be possible. There are those things that are possible, and those that are not. Breaking the rules, so to speak, typically occurs when someone develops a completely new way to approach the problem. Revolutionary, not evolutionary. Technicians of all breeds have been trying to compress data signals for over 20 years. What makes you feel it "must be possible" if the brightest minds haven't developed a suitable method thus far?
I know that all eyes appear to be on "quantum computing"... but I get the feeling that it's not going to be so easy to make a backwards-compatible IA32 quantum processor. If you're going to reap the benefits of a new paradigm, you typically have to discard the technological baggage that shackles the old model.
So, yes, such compression might be feasible, but not with how data transmission occurs today.
Did anyone read Robert X. Cringley's "pulpit" article about how the optic nerve carries less data than a 56K modem? Sure, it could possibly be true, but that doesn't inversely mean that you can compress a "reality fidelity" signal into 56K. It ignores the amount of temporal processing the brain does to fill in the data not provided. His article was positing that the major telcos with massive copper infrastructure could develop a way to push HDTV down a POTS-capable line given the measurements of data rate on the optic nerve. Pleasing fantasy? Assuredly. Technical fantasy? Definitely.
As Dio points out, compression isn't magic. Compression is actually just a lot of very fast math operations, and one thing you cannot do is change how math works. You can possibly find an elegant shortcut, but you aren't going to change the basic functionality of the base binary math operations. So unless someone gets a lot cleverer than the geniuses of the last 20 (more like 50) years, we are stuck with the rules we have. So all we have left is refinement of technology so we have faster signalling, faster buses, fatter pipes, and parallel operations.
Unless that magical quantum processor arrives soon, we're stuck with the rules we have for a while.