Why is it ...

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i'm not trying to troll or anything, but i would say there's more ps3 threads simply b/c maybe more people are looking into buying one and they want some info and quite possibly b/c microsoft has already announced halo3, so x360 fans are going to look at what the press has about halo3, rather than figure out what game is best.

I have an x360, since jan 2006, and i was never really all that impressed by it, and i actually haven't played it in over 1 year.

when a ps3 exclusive comes out that i like i'll buy a ps3 then, but for now my pc and pre-x360 systems is all i need.

also, i have read the xenos specs, very carefully, but i can't find anything where the xenos is more powerful than the rsx. i know it's more efficient, but could someone just point out to me what the x360 has over the ps3 in potential graphics quality?

once again, i'm not here to instigate, i'm here for knowledge from people who know more than i do.
well regardless
the PS3 threads have at least some X360 users posting in them to say that a game looks good.

No doubt. Most of the posters here are "normal".

I agree 100%, but surely it's easier to draw a correlation between page views and user base than page views and each posters' perceived intentions, right?

I'm not drawing any correllations here. I'm calling it like I see it. I see instigators with conspicuous and predictable posting patterns. I see them participate in popular threads by stirring stuff up. I could be wrong, of course.

I don't wish to go on about it, but I also don't wish to be vague, so here's a common scenario: the downplay.

Game X on Platform A is getting a little too much positive attention so Brand Patriot feels obliged to cool things down a bit by poo-pooing on Game X. If this fails to get a rise, he can either make a bolder negative statement about Game X, or perhaps bring Game Y on Platform B into the mix. This behaviour generally leads to tit for tat bickering. Arguments are rife with fallacy, acuusations are made, and threads either get locked, or grow very fast.

My example is platform-agnostic because it can AND DOES happen both ways.

In my experience, however. It doesn't happen equally both ways. It's a bit lopsided.

Sony does give us more to talk about. More technology, more PR disasters, more buzzwords, more candid in-house talent. And I think that is what gets the PS3 threads crackling a bit. But when uttons start getting pushed and feathers get ruffled, that's when threads catch fire and turn into 10+ page phenomenon.
also, i have read the xenos specs, very carefully, but i can't find anything where the xenos is more powerful than the rsx. i know it's more efficient, but could someone just point out to me what the x360 has over the ps3 in potential graphics quality?

Hit that search button, baby! Hit it like you just don't care!!!!

1 Part is Sony has a track record of releasing some really great games, more often then not as exclusives. The PS2 has too many like this to name so its worthwhile for any gamer to check out what they're working on thats new.

2nd part is Sony fans, especially on the lovely interweb where the immature and stubborn think anononimity is a free ticket to really push their views on everyone else, appear to almost be fanatical at times. This is thanks in no small part to the heavily bloated and boastful Sonys 2005 E3 PS3 event such as 2x the power of the 360, ability to power two 1080p sets simutaniously, only console delivering "true HD" with 1080p gaming, and more making these claims before they even knew what the hell they were doing. Many are still marching with the vastly superior machine/mindset flag into the console wars discussion making them look like a fools. A few of these people are even present in this very thread. This of course sparks debate. You can catch these automatons pretty easily on retailer websites as well that allow for product reviews where there are usually quite a few Sony loyalists posting reviews about how crummy the 360 is and how superior specifically the PS3s graphics are as a whole. It goes on and on.

As long as brand loyalty trumps common sense or open mindedness this will continue. In the end i cant help but feel somewhat ashamed at what consoles have really turned gamers into, if you can even call people who troll forums ready to defend and bicker endlessly, more so then they actually game, gamers.

Wish the rep system was back! Great post and especially part number two.

Goes without saying that with the PS2 marketshare, Sony made a lot of fans. Then Sony made all those comments at prior E3's. Egotistically downplayed and took swipes at the competition every chance they got. Eventually their followers were convinced of such superiority from the constant hammering of it. Now they NEED to have that superiority come to light and become very defensive if it's brought into question.
No doubt. Most of the posters here are "normal".

I'm not drawing any correllations here. I'm calling it like I see it. I see instigators with conspicuous and predictable posting patterns. I see them participate in popular threads by stirring stuff up. I could be wrong, of course.


You're definitely not wrong, it happens in all threads, even this one.
Because a lot of the 360 or crossplatform fans seem to understand the idea that no tech is perfect. However, all technicalities aside, they can still expect a great gaming experience from their 360 games.

On the PS3 only side, this superiority complex exists and seems to be brought up continously. The PS3 exclusive devs certainly don't help with "ONLY POSSIBLE ON THE PS3!!!!" crap. Seriously, make a good game, stfu and people will still buy it. Make it shit and no one cares if it's only doable on which ever platform they decide to cheerlead. Seeing David Jeeves (head of marketing!) making idiotic comments recently has me to believe that there might be some pressure from him team on exclusive and first party devs to make such claims and draw attention to the platform. The fans grab such comments and run with it. On top of that, start believing in them. Then, anytime this superiority is questioned, they come out guns blazing. Think of it like diehard sports fan defending their team.

If Sony and the aforementioned studios just delivered without all the hyped up BS, I'd have much more respect for them.

Robert, you act like MS has never came out with BS about the PS3. What about when they had ATI claim that RSX was 'unrefined'? What about when they slated PS3 for not having an internal scaler? Never mind all the FUD spread by Major Nelson about PS3 being difficult to develop for. Who does he work for again?

Bear in mind that MS was great at spreading FUD when it was at war with IBM, and it uses this technique as much now it it did back then.

It seems like you would prefer to concentrate exclusively on Sony's negative points, and conveniently ignore MS's.

At the end of the day, MS is a software company while Sony is a hardware company, and to be honest it shows in the design of the consoles. Little surprise then, that the PS3 attracts more attention on a tech site.
What Party would you like to go to?

Sony Party?
Nintendo Party?
Microsoft Party?

Just as these threads, the party is always where the PS3 is at, we seldom see threads with 4xblowups of GOW screenshots pointing out a low poly stone somewhere in the distance, it´s just not fun i guess :)
Robert, you act like MS has never came out with BS about the PS3. What about when they had ATI claim that RSX was 'unrefined'? What about when they slated PS3 for not having an internal scaler? Never mind all the FUD spread by Major Nelson about PS3 being difficult to develop for. Who does he work for again?

Bear in mind that MS was great at spreading FUD when it was at war with IBM, and it uses this technique as much now it it did back then.

It seems like you would prefer to concentrate exclusively on Sony's negative points, and conveniently ignore MS's.

At the end of the day, MS is a software company while Sony is a hardware company, and to be honest it shows in the design of the consoles. Little surprise then, that the PS3 attracts more attention on a tech site.

Regardless of how the companies treat eachother i think really you're missing the bigger picture. Who has more loyalists ready to defend their brands unquestionable superiority? If its not Cell thats doing it, its BD, if its not BD its the "Reality Synthesizer". Sony has very much built up a FUD campaign with a whole lot of buzzwords and technical jargon (much of it meaningless) for years. Even with the Xbox 1 which was quite a bit more suited to prettier games then the PS2 you never saw the kind of, to reuse a word i already have, fanaticism that you can see as plain as day out of many people when it comes to the PS3. Even true loyalists of the 360 are simply just a hell of a lot more humble about what they've got and due to this they in many cases treat people with more respect thus the conversations tend to stay game oriented. With the PS3 threads more often then not break out into verbal battles of whos games have more pollys or whos games "look better than CGI" and why.

Again at the end of the day the proof is in the pudding so to speak. Its the games themselves that matter, and the PS3 has not one ounce of power in it thats going to make the games more magical wonderous or superior. That superiority will always be on the shoulders and in the minds of creative developers.

What Party would you like to go to?

Sony Party?
Nintendo Party?
Microsoft Party?

Just as these threads, the party is always where the PS3 is at, we seldom see threads with 4xblowups of GOW screenshots pointing out a low poly stone somewhere in the distance, it´s just not fun i guess :)

Well Sony does have half naked people cutting heads off animals so thats certainly more interesting too.
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Robert, you act like MS has never came out with BS about the PS3. What about when they had ATI claim that RSX was 'unrefined'? What about when they slated PS3 for not having an internal scaler? Never mind all the FUD spread by Major Nelson about PS3 being difficult to develop for. Who does he work for again?
Uh, slightly off-topic, but isn't Major Nelson and RobertR1 one and same person?
At least that's what I've always thought, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Regardless of how the companies treat eachother i think really you're missing the bigger picture. Who has more loyalists ready to defend their brands unquestionable superiority? If its not Cell thats doing it, its BD, if its not BD its the "Reality Synthesizer". Sony has very much built up a FUD campaign with a whole lots of buzzwords and technical jargon (much of it meaningless) for years. Even with the Xbox 1 which was quite a bit more suited to prettier games then the PS2 you never saw the kind of, to reuse a word i already have, fanaticism that you can see as plain as day out of many people when it comes to the PS3. Even true loyalists of the 360 are simply just a hell of a lot more humble about what they've got and due to this they in many cases treat people with more respect thus the conversations tend to stay game oriented. With the PS3 threads more often then not break out into verbal battles of whos games have more pollys or whos games "look better than CGI" and why.
That's a bit over-zealous isn't it?

Go and read the Heavenly Sword and Lair threads and tell how (if at all) they differ to the PGR4 and Mass Effect ones?

As far as I can see the only time you get such high voltage verbal scuffling is in threads centered around one or more of the following:-

- X game has just been cancelled on the PS3
- X game has just lost PS3 exclusivity (360 ver. announced)
- X game seems to look worse on the PS3
- X game (PS3) doesn't look as good as it did at E3 2005

If you disagree then go and read 30 threads in and around the forums (so that it's fresh in your memory) and then come back and tell me the same thing..

Again at the end of the day the proof is in the pudding so to speak. Its the games themselves that matter, and the PS3 has not one ounce of power in it thats going to make the games more magical wonderous or superior. That superiority will always be on the shoulders and in the minds of creative developers.
It's these kind of statements which create the vast floods of offtopic arguements in PS3-related threads across the boards ten times over..

See now why PS3 "fanatics" as you call them aren't so soley to blame..?



Oh and it seems to be a recurring view that the Playstation enthusiasts around here get "defensive" as some sort of bid to refute the negative comments directed at Sony or the Playstation or in an attempt to somehow prove the superiority of the brand?

Get real guys!

You and I both know that thats a load of BS and there's far to many intelligent and mature people around here to care about supporting such superficial ideals..

At the end of the day the fact is that the PS3 has been bombarded (not wholly undeservedly) by wave after wave of media and consumer negativity of which (if the console was launched $200 cheaper from the onset, would NEVER have happened regardless of the launch library..)

& as far as I can see there are too many people who enjoy riding the wave and slamming every PS3 game or tech thread which in turn results in those who are interested, voicing their own arguements on why they disagree..

Just go through some of the threads and count the number of negative comments made in each and i'm pretty sure you'll find that it's much more common in PS3 related topic..

Granted you have extremists on both sides whom, when they speak they see it within themselves as "fighting for the cause".. however these individuals are grossly in the minority and you can usually tell them from their baseless assumptions, self-contradictory statements and overall lack of factual and/or technical knowledge..

It seems to me that even this thread seems to have degenerated into lists of verbal assaults against anyone who has ever said anything favourably related to Sony or the PS3 (even though this is a tech forum and as far as I can see the PS3 is the most interesting; and least understood technology around..)

If you're look for proper fanboys then you need to goto GAF..
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That's a bit over-zealous isn't it?

Go and read the Heavenly Sword and Lair threads and tell how (if at all) they differ to the PGR4 and Mass Effect ones?

As far as I can see the only time you get such high voltage verbal scuffling is in threads centered around one or more of the following:-

- X game has just been cancelled on the PS3
- X game has just lost PS3 exclusivity (360 ver. announced)
- X game seems to look worse on the PS3
- X game (PS3) doesn't look as good as it did at E3 2005

If you disagree then go and read 30 threads in and around the forums (so that it's fresh in your memory) and then come back and tell me the same thing..

I disagree but its not me that needs to go read threads. Numerous people got negative rep in PS3 threads, while the system was still in place, for very simply questioning the buzz around a screenshot. Thats exactly the type of disrespect im talking about. These threads include ones about Killzone and Heavenly Sword in my recent memory. Since you attempted to give me some asinine assignment (which of course i dont have time for) i'd ask the same of you. Go through the 30 largest threads and find the ones with the most people going

"why did i get negative rep for asking about the shadow quality?" or something to that respect.

It's these kind of statements which create the vast floods of offtopic arguements in PS3-related threads across the boards ten times over..

See now why PS3 "fanatics" as you call them aren't so soley to blame..?


Actually this is very ironic since you've proved my point perfectly and it took no less then 2 minutes after my posting. Rather then reading the entire sentence you picked out the 4 words you've now been offended by, and rushed to the defense of Sony. I'll ask you to read those two sentences again in their entirety and try as hard as you can to grasp what exactly i said.
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Uh, slightly off-topic, but isn't Major Nelson and RobertR1 one and same person?
At least that's what I've always thought, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Really? I dont think thats true but it wouldnt surprise me if it was, because with all due respect, he talks about owning a PS3, but seems much more pro-MS and talks about buying 360 version of multiplatform games.

Speaking of FUD, remember all the crap before PS3 was launched about its games costing $70 or $80? Also, you go on TeamXbox and games with great graphics such as LBP, Killzone and R&C will be duly dismissed as nothing special by 95% of posters. I dont think this is something that is limited to the PS3, as some would have you believe.
Uh, slightly off-topic, but isn't Major Nelson and RobertR1 one and same person?
At least that's what I've always thought, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Errm, :LOL:

No. I'e known of Robert active on various (video card) communities long before I'd ever heard of Major Nelson!
Actually this is very ironic since you've proved my point perfectly and it took no less then 2 minutes after my posting. Rather then reading the entire sentence you picked out the 4 words you've now been offended by, and rushed to the defense of Sony. I'll ask you to read those two sentences again in their entirety and try as hard as you can to grasp what exactly i said.

So because I (being in a position to know that from a technical standpoint your statement was just wrong..) disagree then i'm "offended"?

I think you've done nothing again but prove MY point.. Sugercoat..
Speaking of FUD, remember all the crap before PS3 was launched about its games costing $70 or $80? Also, you go on TeamXbox and games with great graphics such as LBP, Killzone and R&C will be duly dismissed as nothing special by 95% of posters. I dont think this is something that is limited to the PS3, as some would have you believe.

The "FUD" was created by Sony themselves stating that game costs would be increased allowing imaginations to run wild. Everybody was all over the place with estimates and using pre-order prices as examples. It wasnt some plan hatched by Microsoft Fanboys as im sure you'd like to believe.

And we arent talking about the community at TeamXbox. We're talking about people here at a website off the beaten track. The fact that you would even compare the fanaticism which dominates the xbox.com websites or the PS3.com websites is actually a little bit of an insult to B3D and a little bit ignorant. If someone made a thread about Gears at xxxxps3.com you know full well what would happen so honestly i fail to see your point in even bringing it up. Its certainly not a defense for peoples attitudes here.
Here's the deal - all the baggage everyone is carrying around from their experiences elsewhere on the net, they're just going to have to leave at the door. This is a technology forum, and the only reasons *anyone* is here vs another gaming forum is because there are veins of discussion simply absent elsewhere. There are trolls from either side here, but they are the exception and not the rule; it's wrong to paint "Sony fans" or "Microsoft fans" with so broad a brush as many are doing. I don't think anyone around here is so weak-willed and sheep-like that they're fans of their console due to simply some corporate soup they've been fed, and certainly I'm more than willing to debate that to the last should someone disagree.

Sony obviously has more representation on the board - that's in part due to the origins of the forum in the first place (very EE/GS-centric in the beginning, moving on to PS3 architectural speculation), and the large number of industry insiders associated with Sony development here that have drawn fans of the technology to the site. And though they number fewer, there are very intelligent, very interesting people representing MS' efforts here as well, and I have to imagine that if the experience here weren't in some way fulfilling to fans of the 360 architecture, then they would be at another forum entirely rather than here.

Bottomline is, whatever our demographical makeup, we hold ourselves to a higher standard of both discussion and tolerance, though there be those with the "itch" to cause trouble among us. Don't be afraid to report trolling when you see it - those reports get pretty actively monitored. But on the flip side of course, don't just report whenever you read an opinion you don't like - make sure it fits the actual criteria, because in the past there have been trolls who themselves simply reported on anyone that posted in contravention of a position they had taken... this site first and foremost is of course about reasoned debate/discussion.

So because I (being in a position to know that from a technical standpoint your statement was just wrong..) disagree then i'm "offended"?

I think you've done nothing again but prove MY point.. Sugercoat..

Alright well since you failed to read.

Its the games themselves that matter, and the PS3 has not one ounce of power in it thats going to make the games more magical wonderous or superior. That superiority will always be on the shoulders and in the minds of creative developers

What was wrong about what i said exactly in the above? I'll ask you to pay very close attention to the fact that i never once directly compared the power of the consoles hardware. Didnt even hint at it. Again you cherry picked a few words and as a result blinded yourself to what i actually said which is simply that, its the games that matter and that hardware superiority doesnt automatically make a vastly superior game. If a game is great i give all credit to the devs, and i think i made that very clear. And again you proved my point about what PS3 fans do perfectly.
Really? I dont think thats true but it wouldnt surprise me if it was, because with all due respect, he talks about owning a PS3, but seems much more pro-MS and talks about buying 360 version of multiplatform games.

Speaking of FUD, remember all the crap before PS3 was launched about its games costing $70 or $80? Also, you go on TeamXbox and games with great graphics such as LBP, Killzone and R&C will be duly dismissed as nothing special by 95% of posters. I dont think this is something that is limited to the PS3, as some would have you believe.

No need to bring in other forums in the discussion becouse then aswell we could talk about the same PoV but from the other camp at ps3forums or GAF with the xbox360 and PC as targets. ;)
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