Why David Jaffe Said what he said.....

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Ok, well david jaffe is a regular on the GAF so he came in and explained himself about his comments, just posting it here:

WOW! #264
I've been swamped with the kids this weekend....taking care of 2 is WAYYYYY harder than ONE! Whoda thunk?!?!

Anyway, just saw this thread...didn't know the GI was out yet....

...hey man, it's just my opinion based on:

-seeing the XBOX360 stuff at E3 (altho GEARS OF WAR and COD 2 look great)

-talking to devs who are working on both 360 and ps3

-seeing some exclusive ps3 stuff that looks amazing compared to what I've seen for Xbox360...

...end of the day, GI asked me a question and I gave an honest answer. I have not seen the GI interview so I don't know if they cut the part where I was also saying: I don't really care which is more powerful....it's all about the games. Hell, I'm working on PSP because I wanna make a portable game so you KNOW I could give a rats ass which system is the most powerful....and not to be a total ass...I really am not trying to be, but alot of you guys do look sorta stupid arguing about it....who gives a crap? It's not like XBOX is as powerful as a SNES and PS3 is as powerful as a supercomputer....why do you guys even care so much? I am not being a jerk, I am just curious? Hell, my current job depends on Sony being able to compete and win in this market and I don't care 1/3 as much as you guys do....anyway, not trying to be a jerk, just trying to see why ya'll care so much?

And as for my answer, the only reason I was talking about it at all is cause they asked me and I answered...I didn't offer up the question of XBOX VS PS3 for discussion...that was Game Informer...


Also this as well:

Yeah but I guess my point is: why is there a Sony majority in the first place? Hell, I love the movies but I'm not all like:

Oh yeah man, have you seen Universal Studio's slate of pics this year? They are gonna kick the living crap out of stupid old Disney! And Miramax, shoot man, they shouldn't even both showing up....they should get out of the biz all together!!!!


I'm not trying to be all Rodney King here, and hey, maybe it's just fun right? Like rooting for UCLA or USC? It's just a fun thing to bitch about...I guess I can see that. Maybe being on the inside of the process, we just look out and wonder- since we can't see it from just a fan perspective- what the big deal is?

Kinda reminds me of that scene in FEVER PITCH where Jimmy Fallon catches some of the ball players from the Sox having dinner with the enemy (i.e. the other team) and he just can't get his head around it....but the players are just like: dude, we're all just making a living here, having a good time.

But no, I guess I understand. So, with that said:


Just kidding! Well, not really...


ps. on the same subject, don't you HATE editorials that talk about the GAMING WARS and try to calm everyone down and they ALWAYS end with the same cliche: but we- as gamers- all win!!!

It's like, dudes, if you are going to write an editorial then please- for the love of god, CAN WE STOP THE GOD DAMNED HAMMERING (ok, that's obscure)...but PLEASE, if you are gonna do an editorial, have an original thought and tell me something new and interesting...isn't that the point of an editorial?

Looks like he talking for the average Joe...I hope this clear up some confusion on David's Behalf.....


BlueTsunami said:
I'm confused...what is this all about?

Remember this comment he made:

This is from the most recent Game Informer. He doesn't call out a specific person but he said that anybody even suggesting that the PS3 and 360 are close to the same level from a technical standpoint is on crack. He claims that the PS3 is far and away more powerful than the 360 and it's stupid for anyone to suggest otherwise.

People are arguing the case that "IF Someone is working for Y company as an exclusive, then their paid to be biased"....

He just gave his honest opinion on the issue...Just bringing reason for developers comments before we point a finger at someone and say "Evil".

But his tone does seem rather biased....

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Josh378 said:
People are arguing the case that "IF Someone is working for Y company as an exclusive, then their paid to be biased"....

He just gave his honest opinion on the issue...Just bringing reason for developers comments before we point a finger at someone and say "Evil".

But his tone does seem rather biased....


It actually does. I'm not even sure if he put his hands on 360 hardware yet (if he did..then he DOES have a right to comment...if not...then I don't know how he could make that statement). I would put more weight in Carmacks comment though...even though it sounds like a personal preference than an outright "Xenon is better than CELL" statement.
BlueTsunami said:
It actually does. I'm not even sure if he put his hands on 360 hardware yet (if he did..then he DOES have a right to comment...if not...then I don't know how he could make that statement). I would put more weight in Carmacks comment though...even though it sounds like a personal preference than an outright "Xenon is better than CELL" statement.

he works for SCEA, id put as much stock in it as someone from bizarre saying something about ps3
Yeah but I guess my point is: why is there a Sony majority in the first place? Hell, I love the movies but I'm not all like:

Oh yeah man, have you seen Universal Studio's slate of pics this year? They are gonna kick the living crap out of stupid old Disney! And Miramax, shoot man, they shouldn't even both showing up....they should get out of the biz all together!!!!

I think he doesn't understand why folks care. People who are on the fence on which console to buy, want to make sure they can get all the bells and whistles developers can offer in a game. Logic implies that a more powerful system, will give developers the opportunity to do greater things.

A movie studio is very different, because the medium that the consumer gets the product is in a theatre, which anyone can go to. They do not have to choose, they can have it all.
Video games, they have to choose. PS3 or Xbox360 or Nintendo Revolution.
Right now there is very little argument about the Revolution, why? My thoughts are most people will get one regardless of whether they already have PS3 or Xbox360, or not get one at all.

speng said:
I think he doesn't understand why folks care. People who are on the fence on which console to buy, want to make sure they can get all the bells and whistles developers can offer in a game. Logic implies that a more powerful system, will give developers the opportunity to do greater things.

A movie studio is very different, because the medium that the consumer gets the product is in a theatre, which anyone can go to. They do not have to choose, they can have it all.
Video games, they have to choose. PS3 or Xbox360 or Nintendo Revolution.
Right now there is very little argument about the Revolution, why? My thoughts are most people will get one regardless of whether they already have PS3 or Xbox360, or not get one at all.


That may be true, but from what I've seen... the people who care the most are those that have decided already, not those on the fence.

There's no such thing as the definite opinion outthere. No matter if Carmack, H. Kojima, Jason Rubin or whoever your greatest most admired game-developer makes the claim - it's still just an opinion as is everyone entitled to one. Just because one developer implies/claims that hardware x is more powerful than y doesn't mean others agree - it's just another perspective from that developers point-of-view of the things he would like to do and which platform in his eyes is better suited. These consoles offer so many different approaches - there really isn't a definite answer as to wihch is "most powerful". In the end, it all comes down to personal preference of the developer on what they want to achieve with it. Unfortunately, there isn't a thing as the "perfect hardware". They all have flaws developers have to work around to get the maximum out of them.

Maybe we can stop picking out sentences of developers claiming x and y because it all comes down to that perspective and in the end, it's just one individuals point-of-view among thousand others.
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Bobbler said:
That may be true, but from what I've seen... the people who care the most are those that have decided already, not those on the fence.
We are all still on the fence right now. Some are hanging really far off to one side or the other; but, until the consoles come out and we can actually walk home with one or anther, we are all still stuck to the fence. ;)
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