Honestly speaking, Unless Medieval is rebooted I dont think there is much that can be done. Twisted Metal is in the niche category. The genre alone has lost steam.How's Legend of Dragoon being elevated right now? What was Medievil's PS4 remakes metacritic score again? Twisted Metal is being turned into a who starring whom?
I'm kidding of course. Except about Twisted Metal. And Dragoon.
And Medieval.
I havent played Legend of Dragoon, but based on what I know of that game, its a shame they completely abandoned it despite its huge success from what I ve heard.
I would say Dragoon was the biggest negligence they ever did with a franchise.
But then we have Killzone, which started as a buggy mediocrity and ended up being a technical masterpiece spanning 3 sequels. Guerilla from a nobody studio became a juggernaut of excellence bringing us another franchise the Horizon. We have Gran Turismo becoming quite possibly the highest selling sim generating its own eSport and spreading to a racing academy. On PS we got probably the most polished and best Spider Man game we ever had. So good that Spider Man games are associated with Playstation. As a game the franchise was slowly dying prior to Sony. We have GoW turning from a generic hack and slash to one of the greatest adventures and system sellers. We have Rachet and Clank still going and becoming a technical showcase on PS5. Uncharted started from a good game and became another masterpiece that put PS3 above what the 360 was doing with Gears. We got TLOU series having such a huge impact that it is probably one of the most anticipated franchises to reach a TV series which is currently soaring in good reviews.
We saw Sony also insisting and trying to give a chance to old franchises like Wipeout, which was highly polished, with it's only downside being very hardcore for the casual market and belonging in a difficult genre.
I think Sony has what it takes to make franchises like Silent Hill, MGS and Castlevania huge. Konami cant take their own eyes out with these franchises. They ruined Silent Hill by handing it over to teams that didnt understand the franchise, they came up with garbage like MGS Survive that pissed of its audience, Castlevania has been pretty much abandoned and 2 became a mediocrity.
Look at what MS did with their own franchises on the other hand. Halo was originally one of the biggest and most anticipated franchises. Followed by Gears of War. They diluted them so much, that they are lost in the crowd. Gears of War was originally the reason I was joining the XBOX camp. And they, literally (along with Halo) bored me to death at the end of the PS360 generation. Every franchise they touched minus maybe Forza, has either died or lost its original appeal