which is the better monitor

The SONY has DVI, the Samsung doesn't. However the Samsung has a higher maximum brightness and lower response time while the SONY is 2" bigger and more expensive. Personally since both are free, I'd take the SONY because it has DVI and is bigger.
The Samsung is better because it has higher brightness and a lower response time. Be careful not to equate a larger screen size as being better, in the LCD world 19" monitors only support 12x10 resolution so the pixels are larger on the 19" equating to a 0.294 mm pixel pitch as opposed to a 17" which has a 0.264mm pitch. This means that 19" monitors actually look a little more pixelated since the screen is larger but uses the same amount of pixels as a 17" panel. Of course some people don't mind the difference, which is entirely up to you.

The Sony does have DVI which is a positive, however if you can get the Samsung 710T, which does feature DVI, then I would spring for that instead.

Of course since they're free then you could get the Sony, sell it, buy the Samsung 710T and probably get some extra cash in the process. :devilish:

My .05 cents.
Dell 1905FP; yeah baby! :D

Seriously tho, since you have the choice between these two: Sony. Wouldn't EVER buy a LCD with no DVI input, that is such a crime. We must get away from those cheap-ass analog filter stages on today's vidcards! The sooner the better in fact.
Not exactly pertinent to the thread, but speaking of Sony TFT's, the X-black Sonys are the first TFT's I've been REALLY excited by. Maybe the only TFT I'm considering actually paying good money for.

Now, if they just could make it in 1600x1200 I'd be broke right now. ;)
Forgot to add that I had a Sony SDM-HS74P and was terribly disappointed. Blacks looked grey, response time and viewing angles were not as reported, and it had 4 dead pixels. Needless to say I exchanged it for a Viewsonic VP171B and couldn't be happier.
The Sony will probably be too slow for games. It should fetch a higher resale value, tho, so if you want to resell and then buy a better (more gamer-oriented) LCD, that's the way to go. I really like the S series design, too--minimal frame, but still very good-looking (I've used the 15" version).

The Samsung should definitely be better for games, but no DVI is a bit troubling. I don't think it'll look bad, especially since most video cards should be able to look good at 1280x1024 if it's only at 60Hz, but DVI should be your connector of choice with LCDs.

You can't stop by a Best Buy, Circuit City, or CompUSA to check either out in person? If it won't be used for gaming, maybe the Sony has a good enough black level to use for everything else (office work and video, basically). It should have a three year warranty, too, like the 15" I used.
jvd said:



I ask because i have my choice of either for free. I think the sony is the better one but just wnat to make sure , not to up to date on my info

If you can, look at both and then decide. DVI can be a deal breaker, but if the LCD itself is crap you might be happier even with an analog connection so long as it's good. I've used LCDs where the analog connection is nearly as good as the DVI one, and others where the difference between analog and DVI are like night and day.

As far as the size goes, don't worry about the dpi. If it looks pixelated you can push the monitor back and presto, the screen appears to be smaller and you won't notice the individual pixels as well.

well i hit bestbuy but no sony .

I have a 19inch crt that will do 1600x1200 at 120hz . So i don't really need it for gaming , I was thinking mabye the 19inch sony to replace my second 17inch gateway monitor that turns blue and then red then back to normal viewing from time to time haha .

So i guess i will go with the sony. It would be way to dificult to get it and then sell it on ebay. Plus its only 380$ for the sony and 310$ for tthe samsung
The usual style over substance. :LOL:

BTW I have no idea where Tom gets his info from, but NEC makes their own LCD panels. They do not buy them from Samsung!
Sorry for bumping this but from what i've read the sony doesn't have dvi or am i missing something ?
Whoops. Looking at Sony.com.au, apparently I used the X53, not the S series. The X series adds integrated speakers and includes DVI-D, both of which the S93 appears to lack.

Still, I really liked the gray colors of that X53. And the Sony still seems to sell for more, which I count as a plus. But, as both the Sony and the Samsung have the same connection and res, then it comes down to display quality and warranty support (with looks a distant third). Only reviews or seeing them both in person can help you there. On the plus side, the S93 appears to use 8-bit subpixels (for undithered, 24-bit color) and have wide viewing angles (85 degrees both ways).