So the G70 has come and gone. It seems like only yesterday we were all speculating on what it would be...
Well, I am not terribly impressed (yet). Maybe that is because I have not seen it compared in the right situation/benchmark. However, I have two gripes about the product. One minor gripe and one huge one. Let's begin with the little one.
1) What's up with changing the name from Ultra to GTX? This can only lead to confusion and I can't see anythign good coming from it.
2) Price. This is a biggie. At $599 ($600 to you and me) it has bumped up the price bracket for the top range. This angers me a little because Nvidia (and ATI et al) have been holding pretty steady at $500 for quite some time. This board doesn't seem to offer any quantum leap deserving of a pricing shift (other than perhaps a weakend dollar). What's more, boards selling at this price point used to have a new GPU
and newer faster memory. This time Nvidia has stuck to using the same memory they used for the 6800 Ultra. The price of this memory should have dropped since the introduction of the 6800 Ultra so if they could offer that then they should certainly be able to keep prices steady (if there was some increase in GPU cost it should have been offset by the falling memory prices).
Generally speaking, I am disappointed that there seems to be no indication of moving to a 512MB memory capacity standard. I think this is really important. No matter how cool shader effects are, I would like to see higher quality and quantity content in games. I really hope that this "shader daze" will not last too long so we can get on with getting some
real meat in there.
The lack of a 512MB 7800 GTX, games that can really use the GTX, and the acceptable performance of my 6800 Ultra will make me wait until buying into the next (refresh) gen. Hopefully R520 isn't too far away and I am hoping we'll see a real push to get 512MB on the top cards so developers can begin seriously designing for that capacity.
Oh, another thing. I am not in this position myself, but I couldn't help wondering as I read the various reviews how owners of a single 6800 Ultra/GT PCI-e card would react to this. Will they ditch their 6800s for 7800s or will they slap in another 6800 for SLI? This must play havoc with product placement/pricing.