What's the best internet browser

What's the best internet browser ?

  • Netscape

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mozilla

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Opera

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Althornin said:
I dont see waht the deal is between "having to download extenions" - thats not a negative, its a PLUS, becaus eyour browser is more customizeable.
I couldn't agree more. Plugins and extensions are there in Opera too. You have buttons, spellchecker, hotpanels, toolbar setups, keyboard setups, skins etc...

Althornin said:
I'm also curious where the Opera fans get that "our browser is faster" complex, since every test i've seen shows that it is not.
It certainly was the fastest once, but not anymore I'm afraid. It's the most standards compliant browser of the lot though, maybe that has slowed it down somewhat.
DarN said:
I couldn't agree more. Plugins and extensions are there in Opera too. You have buttons, spellchecker, hotpanels, toolbar setups, keyboard setups, skins etc...
Many less than Moz/Firebird though. Of course, some features are "built in", so as many arent needed.

It certainly was the fastest once, but not anymore I'm afraid. It's the most standards compliant browser of the lot though, maybe that has slowed it down somewhat.
Um, where do you get that?
DarN said:
Here are the specs. The current 7.50 beta supports more though. Here's some css stuff you don't get with Firefox. :devilish: (It's an interesting read if you're into web development.)
I know it supports the generated content, but you arent answering my questions....

I asked where you get that Opera is the most standard compliant.
AFAIK, it supports some higher CSS3 stuff (which is pointless as it hasnt even been finalized yet, IIRC) but it lacks support for some CSS2 stuff that Firebird DOES support.
Honestly, i just find that most Opera lovers strike me just like most Mac users - willing to pay more for something that isnt as good (or is roughly equal), and are super smug/arrogant/superior-feeling/circle-the-wagons defensive about it. In short - fanatics.

EDIT: To be honest, most of those feelings arose from reading Diplo's links, not your posts. However, they really pissed me off, so i vented on you. While not totally fair, you are an Opera fan, and deserve it :devilish:
Althornin said:
I dont see what the deal is between "having to download extenions" - thats not a negative, its a PLUS, because your browser is more customizeable.
It's both a blessing and a curse.

It's a blessing in that it does make the browser more extensible in terms of functionality, giving you more choice. It's a curse in that there's no standarisation or control of extensions - anyone can write one and there's no guarantee they will work with newer builds. There's also no guarantee that different extensions will be compatible with each other, or will not combine with other extensions to cause errors and crashes. I've downloaded extensions that have caused random crashes, and tracking down the culprit is very difficult. You also end up having a rather messy interface.

Opera, on the other hand, has less choice but what you do have is tightly integrated into the browser by professional developers and is guaranteed to work in every release version. Opera is also very customisable, to the point were any menu, graphic or GUI element can be easily changed, skinned or altered. Plus it doesn't screw up the rendering of select lists on my home page like Moz does :p
Diplo said:
It's both a blessing and a curse.

It's a blessing in that it does make the browser more extensible in terms of functionality, giving you more choice. It's a curse in that there's no standarisation or control of extensions - anyone can write one and there's no guarantee they will work with newer builds. There's also no guarantee that different extensions will be compatible with each other, or will not combine with other extensions to cause errors and crashes. I've downloaded extensions that have caused random crashes, and tracking down the culprit is very difficult. You also end up having a rather messy interface.
Pish and tosh. What a load of bollocks. Same BS those links you posted say.

Opera, on the other hand, has less choice but what you do have is tightly integrated into the browser by professional developers and is guaranteed to work in every release version. Opera is also very customisable, to the point were any menu, graphic or GUI element can be easily changed, skinned or altered. Plus it doesn't screw up the rendering of select lists on my home page like Moz does :p
Be specific or dont mention it, so it can be verified.
Althornin said:
Pish and tosh. What a load of bollocks. Same BS those links you posted say.
Well, thanks for that considered and thoughtful counter-argument. How can I possibly refute such an intelligent response?
Be specific or dont mention it, so it can be verified.
Erm, I was specific - I said the select list on my home page and gave a link (that's the funny blue text, in case you don't know). Now, given there is only one select list on that page, what do you think I was refering to?

As for the problem, it's obvious: choose any of the options from the select list (ie. the drop-down list in section labeled 'Skin' in the menu) and if you're using a Moz-derivative the selected option disapears and then is replicated again at the bottom of the list. An obvious bug, and one I reported to Bugzilla over 8 months ago.
Diplo said:
Well, thanks for that considered and thoughtful counter-argument. How can I possibly refute such an intelligent response?
Well, considering you dont provide any argument for me to counter, except for a pack of lies, what else is there? You give a statement that implies certain things that are simply untrue.

Erm, I was specific - I said the select list on my home page and gave a link (that's the funny blue text, in case you don't know). Now, given there is only one select list on that page, what do you think I was refering to?

As for the problem, it's obvious: choose any of the options from the select list (ie. the drop-down list in section labeled 'Skin' in the menu) and if you're using a Moz-derivative the selected option disapears and then is replicated again at the bottom of the list. An obvious bug, and one I reported to Bugzilla over 8 months ago.
Nice, you accuse me of poor arguments and then you use ad hominem attacks. But, if you wanna act that way, allow me: you didnt say "the select list" you said select LISTS - note the "s" on the end - it makes the word in front of it plural, so i looked for a multitude of lists, and didnt see them. See how absolutely rediculous that is? Yeah - dont do it again, please.

Thanks for the specifics, its what i was looking for. You are right - you found a bug! Congrats. I bet there are NONE for Opera :rolleyes:
So whats your point? Its that kind of attitude that i object to - the "my browser is holier than yours" that you Opera fanatics adopt, just like Macintosh fanatics. You invent reasons to buy a product that is, imo, substandard to a free one. You act as though your opinions are fact, re: looks, features, etc. Did you read the links you posted? You have one mad fanboy claiming the GLORY of Opera the great because it supports 15 different search engine shortcuts - which he thinks is more than Mozilla - and when someone points out an extension that allows Moz to have hundreds, he goes "eh, who would use more than 15". Its this attitude that chaps my ass. It makes me think that when you buy Opera it comes with 12 inches of corncob to stick up your rectum.

Perhaps you can confine your remaining "comments" to the argument at hand, rather than insulting me? Or is the "non frothing at the mouth insulting opera fanboy post" option not available in the browser of your choice?

Whatever - label it how you want, its simply not worth dealing with you opera fanboys. You invent reasons why your browser that you paid for is best, in an effort to reassure yourselves that your purchase was a good one. We've seen the same thing a million times with video cards. Enjoy your choice of a broswer - and let me enjoy mine.
Hmm. I wouldn't call my self an Opera lover exactly... It's just the browser I decided on, and felt most comfortable with, and I haven't looked back since. If You like Firefox, then by all means, that's what You should use! It's just a poll You know... :)
Althornin, I hope you read your post later and feel thoroughly embarassed at your frankly ridiculous personal attack. I said there were pros and cons to extensions, not "Opera rulezzzz firbird suxxx yah boo", so where you get your aggresion from is beyond me. I really don't give a toss what browser you choose to use, I was simply answering a question posed on a forum. If you have problems with people giving their opinions simply because they differ with yours then perhaps posting on forums is something you should consider giving up?

As for being a 'fanboy' perhaps you missed my post where I said "Firefox is very good"? You see, I happen to think it's a great browser, I just personally prefer Opera a little more. If you have a problem with that, deal with it. Funnily enough, the only person who is acting like a foaming-at-the-mouth fanboy is yourself. I feel embarassed on your behalf.
It's a blessing in that it does make the browser more extensible in terms of functionality, giving you more choice. It's a curse in that there's no standarisation or control of extensions - anyone can write one and there's no guarantee they will work with newer builds. There's also no guarantee that different extensions will be compatible with each other, or will not combine with other extensions to cause errors and crashes. I've downloaded extensions that have caused random crashes, and tracking down the culprit is very difficult. You also end up having a rather messy interface.

This statement ignores several very important points about Firefox.

First, the extention manager in 0.9 is getting a rather complete overhaul:



Very soon, the "incompatable" and "out of date" extention problem dissappears.

Secondly, very few extentions cause conflicts with each other. A recent MozillaZine forum poster claims that he runs over 30 extentions and has never had a problem. Obviously the problem of incompatible extentions is far and few between.

Thirdly, very soon the Firefox developers will be providing packages of tested extentions for different purposes...For example, there could be a package"Tabbed Browsing" and another for "Web Development".

Opera is also very customisable, to the point were any menu, graphic or GUI element can be easily changed, skinned or altered.

The same can be said about Firefox.