There's more cuts than Dell - that's ONE I mentioned. It would be interesting for Sony to find out how much a sales jump they'd see with only $50 cut off, if it proves to not make a difference, they won't bother to officially cut the price. And in the UK the bundles are significant with Killzone 2 included.
[Moved above posts over from Killzone to here]
The only other one I can think of is Amazon with their one-day sale, something that would trip my 'early warning' system more than the Dell situation in all honesty, but still indeterminate.
I'm not saying anything is an absolute - they may cut the price prior to KZ2, who knows. But I would expect a cut after KZ2 myself, just because it makes more sense.
If what we're talking about is piggybacking to sell more consoles, this is the calculus:
Of the individuals that will buy KZ2 at launch, how many of them will be buying new consoles spurred by that title alone (and the existant library)? We'll call that group
Now, how many people would buy a new PS3 if the price were dropped $50 or $100? We'll call that group
What Sony wants to make sure of, is that anyone that would be part of both Group A
and B, is ushered into PS3 ownership at said higher price point. After they've exhausted that 'tier' of the demand curve with specific title incentive, that would be the time to lower the price to attract a new band that simply would not move at $400. In this business it is imperative that anyone you can induce to buy at a higher price, you take advantage of that.
Insofar as Sony uses bundles as the immediate tactic, that's a win-win, since they're not absorbing additional console loss on that, but simply reducing margin on the game. Yet to the consumer the money saved is transparent. Not sure if there are too many bundle deals in play for the US though, so that may be more Euro-centric for now.