Are those mods to crysis? If so, is the game playable?
Fully playable except not at that res. Something like 1920x1080 4-8xAA on very high end systems. On med end sytems 1440x900 2-4xAA, no problem with most but the most brutal/insane LOD distances + disabled LOD. To note is though that SSAA has large visual impact on games with lots of objects, especially vegetation that is not solid (as in letting you see behind).
For example here is native no AA but edge AA -> images
Here is SSAO bullshot ones -> images
Video of said above and fps -> Video
Most of them are scenes crafted in the editor. Some even include custom models and such.
They are all rendered offline at ludacris resolutions and downsampled.
If you had the hardware these things could be done in real time. But no such hardware exists as of today.
Yup though Almost all would be playable as they are still custom maps with often redesings. But no way to do SSAA and have it playable.
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