I should have looked at the other free host you mentioned, Hosting Is Free. If you look at the page you linked to them they state a 5,000MB bandwidth. This would be the total data served per month (presumably, it could be any period of time, but I think monthly is the norm). After 5 GB of data has been served within a 30 day period the server will cease to function until the next period (month) when the bandwidht quota is reset and the process begins over again.
I definitely think you would want an unlimited monthly quota, but if you are mainly looking to have simple pages consisting of text you can get more milage (more viewers served) because the per-page data amount is kept low. However, I think Vysez is right in that a host that cannot guarantee a certain level of service and is "free" will most likely crumble when everyone gets excited and hits your pages at the same time.
For example, I would suspect that Beyond3D has a relatively steady visitation throughput. This is not a drama website and instead I think people regularly visit to read or re-read some factual information, almost like a manual to a piece of hardware being consulted. If there were more sensational news, a la The Inquirer, you are going to get peaks (but they seem to always be peaking because they always have some sensationalist take on something
). I think you get my point, Internet news travels quickly and expires very quickly. If you had an exclusive like that, I think you could expect
everyone adding their own small visits to various websites of their choice coming to yours for the day. The load will be enormous comared to the normal trickle.
Imagine the headline "Reverend back at the Pulpit after leaving Beyond3D! Exclusive news on Carmack's next rendering engine!" on HardOCP, Shacknews, VE3D, Anandtech, Hexus, ohh...and those EliteBastards... Suddenly the total users of all those sites will pound on your door, at least for the day. This is the part where a server that is not equipped to deal with the situation explodes in a dramatic fashion and everyone wonders if The Return of the Pulpit was some sort of elaborate hoax.
BTW, I am glad to see that you are working on bringing back The Pulpit. I got a strange, fuzzy, nostalgic feeling when I saw the page.