What do you prefer in games - Innovativeness or Fun-factor?

What do you prefer - Innovativeness or Fun-factor?

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B3D Yoddha
OK! Another poll :D

I voted for Fun bec'se I play games purely for fun. And if innovativeness enhances the gameplay then nothing like that. So, basically fun is my prime concern when I buy a game.
I actually value innovitiveness over fun factor (yet perversely voted for Fun). possible because I don't think of them s mutually exclusive.
What is innovation worth if it's not fun. On the other hand, without innovation no progress ... argh, I am getting a headache
innovation is strictly connected to fun. although u can have innovation without it being necessarely fun.
it all comes down to what is considered fun at the end of the day. some people have fun playing old school street fighter kind of games which are not innovative at all, while some other people have fun everytime they find something new in a game, when they can do things in a game they were never able to do in older games and things like that.
innovation without fun --> boring.
Fun without innovation --> at least fun

so i voted for fun. (I mean thats why i play Games, isnt it?)
They often but not always work together...

Pikmin is indeed innovative and fun, while black & white is innovative... but no fun... Is it even a game ?
Fun factor comes first and foremost, with innovation being a very good bonus.

I think it's appalling that some people think the opposite. Gaming is about fun.
Not a flame but how was Pikmin innovative? To me (at least for the bit I played with it) it seemed like a 3d version of Lemmings.
Ty said:
Not a flame but how was Pikmin innovative? To me (at least for the bit I played with it) it seemed like a 3d version of Lemmings.

I liked both of them, and they are really different, in Lemmings you have tons (or very few) lemmings continuously getting out, while in Pikmin you have ressource management of your Pikmins.
There's not ennemy in Lemmings, whereas in Pikmins you have boss.

I would rather compare Pikmin to RTS games, if you really want to compare it with a genre, much more similar IMO.
(Even though it's not too close to RTS)
Blade said:
Fun factor comes first and foremost, with innovation being a very good bonus.

I think it's appalling that some people think the opposite. Gaming is about fun.

that isn't neccessaryly so, I think we are moving (slowly) toward software where we can affford a segment for innovative titles which no one wants to buy. ICO anyone :LOL: