what are your top 3 favorite games?

1. Chrono Trigger - most enjoyable RPG ever played, still haven't played JRPG as enjoyable as this one.
2. Halo series - "=crack"
3. Final Fantasy V - don't talk about JRPG if u haven't played this.
Nice Thread....

Classic Favorites:
1. Castlevania Symphony of the Night (PS1) :cool:
2. Splatter House series (Turbo system) :oops:
3. Strider (Sega Genesis) :devilish:

Current Next-Gen Favorites:
1. Gears of War (Xbox 360)
2. Resistance: FOM (PS3)
3. PGR3 (Xbox 360)
Very hard to choose. It could be unfair for real good games if I choose the ones I remember ight now.

Nice choice with Splatter House there "Nerve-Damage" ;)
1.) Super Mario Bros. 3
2.) Mario 64
3.) Super Mario World

You'd think I'm a die hard Nintendo fan, though I only owned by Gamecube for six months, and have no plans for buying a Wii (but playing my friends often).

If you were to extend the list to six games it'd round out like this:

4.) Command & Conquer
5.) Warcraft III
6.) Soldier of Fortune II (multiplayer only)
1. Halo Series
2. FF Series
3. Tie between Street Fighter Series (esp Hyper edition), Mario games, MGS Series, Gears of War
Warcraft III (incl TFT)
Streets of Rage 1/2/3
Chrono Trigger

I still like to play any of the above when I'm in for some really quality console fun. :)
Console Only
*Gunship (C64)
*Chronicles of Riddick (Xbox)
*Baseball Stars (NES)

If including PC games
*Duke Nukem 3D

I'd say my top 50 games are all probably PC games.
... why? was it that bad? I only ever played the demo of the first Diablo.

No, it's that good. Diablo 1 and 2 are definitely two of the greatest (most addictive) games ever made. So simple, yet so addictive (especially when playing with friends).
Restricting to three games isn't fair. There are a number of excellent games that would battle it out hard to get on that list, and whatever ordering I'd pick wouldn't be the right one.

But I can say that today my personal favourite game of all time is Final Fantasy 7 :love:
I realize it's chic to hate it, but that may be a topic for another thread and a proper rant :p
And most likely I'd name a different game tomorrow.

Honorable mentions old and new, in no particular orders go to: Metroid Prime, Advance Wars (all of them), Zelda: The Minish Cap, Mario Kart (DS), Wizardry 7&8, Grandia 1&2, most of the Might and Magic series, some of the Heroes of Might and Magic series, Chrono Trigger, Battle Isle, the Gothic series, Master Of Orion 1&2, Deus Ex, Anachronox, Warcraft 3, Dethkarz, Expendable, Resident Evil, Diablo 2, Pokémon, Castlevania, God of War, Punch Out, Fallout, most of the Super Mario franchise etc etc etc ...

There are so many great games. It's much too hard to decide.
I am in agreement that 3 games isn't enough to list my top fav games. Here are the games that I remember the most
  • Plansescape Torment
  • Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
  • Fallout 2

Yes. I am an old school gamer
Well, this is a tough question.

Street Fighter II turbo
Daytona (8 player, extended time mode with around 1 hour per session on medium track)

Bride of pinbot

Compupter (1980's)
Space Quest I (PC)
Wasteland (PC)
Starflight (Tie) (PC)
BardsTale (Tie) (C64)

PC (1990-present)
Half Life II

Final Fantasy VII
Soulcalibur II (Dreamcast)
This is always a toughie. Mainly because there's so many games I haven't played...

To make it on to any list, for me, a game should have either longevity or replayability. A 9 hr blast (no matter how fantastic) is... umm, not too different from other forms of media. I'm thinking interactive experiences. Anyway, on with the show...

Sacrilege perhaps to many FPS fans but in my personal experience I'd have to plump for Timesplitters