What are you playing now? [2007-2018]

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The Gaming gods have decided in their wisdom that you shall play The Saboteur next (think gta in ww2)
It's also an easier game than mafia 2.
The Gaming gods have decided in their wisdom that you shall play The Saboteur next (think gta in ww2)
It's also an easier game than mafia 2.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhTizv7XYeU&gl">YouTube Link</a>

Dear Saint Davros, speaker of the gods! Your wisdom leads me, as always to the light. I shall play The Saboteur!

PS: hope the gods are cool, if I play some Armored Kill to tomorrow...
Finished Mafia 2. Good game.

Damn dude how do you finish games so fast?!? Takes me a while to finish games nowadays. On that note I'm near the end of Max Payne 3, man what a great game! Having a blast with that one. Also played about half way through Trine 2, Arwin is right it is pretty good, although I still like Limbo better. I get the impression that Trine 2 is designed to be played when you are high for full effect though, with all the freaky colors. Anyways looks like I will end up finishing it after all, definitely worth the $3 I paid for it (man I love Steam sales).
Having never touched an MMORPG before I was skeptical about GW2. Now at level 15 and I wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone who is like me and has no experience with MMOs. Just make sure you ask in the GW2 thread before you join a world. I jumped right in without checking and [strike]now I'll have to pay a fee if I want to play with the other B3Ders :([/strike]

Hey scratch that it looks like they're letting me change for free. I'm going off to Borlis Pass with Dresden and friends :smile:

Join my guild!

I, too, recommend GW2 to anyone on the market for a solid MMORPG. You will not be disappointed. At all. It's great fun and a fresh take on the genre with a lot of interesting elements that make it a must-have. However, while the launch was smooth and Arena has been on top of most issues, the game needs a lot of optimization. Even glimpsing at the tech support forums you'll be immediately aware of the technical issues almost everyone is facing, regardless of how powerful their machine is. Obviously, these issues will be addressed with new video drivers and Arena's constant tweaking, so all we can do is be patient.
Damn dude how do you finish games so fast?!? Takes me a while to finish games nowadays. On that note I'm near the end of Max Payne 3, man what a great game! Having a blast with that one. Also played about half way through Trine 2, Arwin is right it is pretty good, although I still like Limbo better. I get the impression that Trine 2 is designed to be played when you are high for full effect though, with all the freaky colors. Anyways looks like I will end up finishing it after all, definitely worth the $3 I paid for it (man I love Steam sales).

:), I indeed had some spare time the last couple of days. It took me about 12h to finish Mafia2.
It took me about 4 days or so, not sure. For me it is really difficult to play a story game non-intense, say only one hour every other day. When I pause the game for a few days, it is so hard for me to get back into the game, that in such cases, I often give up :(

Sadly, I don't have much time at the moment to game, just (at most) a short daily round of BF3 AK.

But I am already preparing for Borderlands 2 (installed the latest NVidia driver yesterday, which also seems to have helped me get rid of those massive crashes I had wit BF3 AK on the snow map).

I am thinking about the Saboteur and preordering Medal of Honor, just to witness another Frostbite 2 beauty :)
Starcraft 2.

Got myself into Gold league with Terran on the EU server. Now I'm giving Zerg a go. They seem so easy in comparison. I've been beating platinum players in customs within the first week of playing the race.

Any other SC2 players reading this thread?
Just finished Mass Effect, which I found somewhat disappointing, though still good. Moving on to Tribunal, Morrowind's extension.
Torchlight 2 demo, and the Rocksmith demo (but I cheat because I already have the cable for the PS3 version I just bought). Worth noting that the Rocksmith note 'highway' is a lot easier to read in 3D ... ;) If you have an electric guitar in the house, Rocksmith is a must buy.

Torchlight 2 is great too though, like Diablo 3 on crack. Cool pet too. May well end up getting the full version, which at 20 euro is quite a steal.
Torchlight 2 demo, and the Rocksmith demo (but I cheat because I already have the cable for the PS3 version I just bought). Worth noting that the Rocksmith note 'highway' is a lot easier to read in 3D ... ;) If you have an electric guitar in the house, Rocksmith is a must buy.

Would Rocksmith be useful for daughter just starting to learn to play electric guitar?
Would Rocksmith be useful for daughter just starting to learn to play electric guitar?

I'd say yes, without question. Unless of course the music in there actively offends her, I think it will be a big help, just for being a measure of progress alone. Of course, just starting will mean she won't have quick progress, but it will definitely help. I think it will be at its most effective if regular lessons are combined with this, so the teacher can focus on making sure she holds the guitar right, has the right guitar in the first place, strings, good picking technique, etc, and then the game will make practicisng a lot more fun and effective. Even more perfect would be a teacher that actively leverages the game as part of the lesson, but that would be icing on the cake.
Torchlight 2. I loved the first one and the sequel is leagues better than the original. The only thing it's missing is a crafting system, which I'm praying will be implemented in an upcoming update. I love the art direction, it definitely shines. While the UI is missing the polish Diablo 3 delivers, it's still great to look at. It's system requirements are also pretty low, therefore I may throw it on my laptop. Also, BF3 like always. I've basically been in a steady Battlefield rotation since the induction of the first game. I was actually contemplating playing Bad Company 2, again, for nostalgia's sake. Armored Kill is great. They've done a nice job of creating maps where vehicles are necessary, instead of seemingly optional. Think Heavy Metal from BC2 where the control points are spaced out pretty far from each other. Now multiply that by ten and you have yourself the typical AK map. I really love the map design for the new maps. Bandar Desert is a great example. I keep thinking when fighting amongst the villas that it's oddly reminiscent of Miami. I always think of Florida for some strange reason.
Played the first SP mission of Medal of Honor.

Graphics are again insane. Only maybe the enemy animations are a little bit rough.
Game itself is so so at the moment, standard military FPS it seems...
XCOM, but it's inferior to the original yet appealing.
I already started modifying it because really, it MUST be true to the original, and it's not.
if they managed to modify it that much and still keep it appealing, I'm pretty impressed. I'll def have to pick up xcom when I tire of Tokyo Jungle.
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